Giving me answers

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Can y'all believe thanksgiving is a week and a day away!'goodness this year has gone by SUPER fast.

Anyways I created this to because lately god has been giving me answers left and right lately!

So like I told you before I was suppose to have a phone interview. She called me before and my phone didn't ring so I missed the call and she emailed me saying she would be kind of busy but to call before 11 and after 5. So I called after before 11 she didn't answer so I left a voicemail. Anyways

So this morning I was turning the pages of my daily motivation so I could read it and as I was turning toward today's date I'm like "God pleaseee let this woman call me so I can leave my job please! So I turn toward today date in the daily devotional and the title is "Don't Beg!" I really feel like god is really speaking to me.

So this morning I was turning the pages of my daily motivation so I could read it and as I was turning toward today's date I'm like "God pleaseee let this woman call me so I can leave my job please! So I turn toward today date in the daily devotio...

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I believe god is telling me to quit my job when I told you on Sunday how he gave me the title "Removed from thy place." In Ezekiel chapter 12.

And today he's given me "You don't need to beg!" Right when I was begging to him.

I could cry right now! Y'all don't understand!

What has god done for  you so far this week?
(I know one. He us up to see a brand new day!)

Have a great day, Be blessed and be a blessing

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