Dry Place

33 9 6

Sunday April 3,2022

Good morning! It's been a little while since I've last updated Dear God and I am sorry about that I'm going to do better I promise.

So there's something I'd like to ask.. have you ever experienced a dry place in your faith. As you've been going through things in life to where  you just don't wanna pray?

You're so drained you don't even feel like praying..

This happened to me recently, All last week to be exact. Life has been alot for me I won't go all into too much detail but the enemy really really really been on by back. I got to the point I didn't wanna pray, I didn't wanna read my Bible and that's not like me at all.

But I was so depressed, I was so hurt I didn't want to do anything I was at my lowest.

I cried all I could cry and I just got tired of feeling down it was so bad a lot of people noticed the change. I've always been a goofy person I love laughing and making people laugh I'm usually a happy person in general.

The kids at my job could sense something was wrong, my family but I just didn't want to let anyone in.

I sat in my hurt for days, it even started before last week but I guess last week just did it for me.

So the other night, Friday night I believe I finally just spoke to God and surrendered to him.

His word says cast your cares upon him for he cares for us. 1Peter 5:7

So I did! I spoke to him as if he were sitting next to me I released so much that I had been holding in.

I had to ask for forgiveness and for him to close any doors that I may have opened.

I got on my knees and literally cried out to him at that moment I felt so relieved it was like someone removing a blanket over me just all that hurt, all the pain everything I was feeling just left.

I'm back to being my regular happy self and I'm so glad about it.

I still have something to work on but with God I can and WILL get through it.

I said all that to say this. If you ever get to the point where your just in a dry place and you don't feel like praying, I understand but once you feel just a little bit of relief from your pain pray!

Pray! pray! pray! pray! pray!

It may not seem like it but God hears your prayers he want us to surrender to him. The devil won't like it and he'll have you thinking God doesn't hear you, You'll never get through your situation.


the devil doesn't want you to be happy! He doesn't want you to succeed in life! He wants you to be miserable just like he is.

But you have God by your sis and you will win!!

I hope this helped someone!

And if you ever need anyone to talk to about faith, life or anything have question, concern, comments please let me know.

I am here for you, we can get through whatever it is together❤️

I love you with the love of God keep your head up

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