Time Waster # 26 -- Left at a Gas Station.

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  • Dedicated to Laundry soap.

--Time Waster # 26--

Carlos: Well guys, it's been a pleasure hanging out with you all.

Sal: You only hung out with Cami.

Carlos: Anyway. It's time that I get back to my family so they know I'm alive.

Cami: It was fun spending time with you!

Darren: *Crosses his arms* How long is this goodbye going to take?

Carlos: Um, its pretty much done now. I'll email you, Cami.

Sal: Hey! That is our thing, Cami!

Cami: Not really, I use my email for many other things.

Sal: Yeah? Like what?

Cami: Like when I need to contact my explosives guy. Which reminds me, I need to check my email later.

Sal: -_-

Carlos: Well by--

Darren: Bye.

Carlos: ... *Leaves*.

Cami: So, now what?

Sal: Let's go get smoothies and make fun of people who dress their dogs in pink.

Cami: :D My favorite hobby!

Darren: I thought your favorite hobby was using knives to carve funny comics into the walls in Sal's den.

Sal: WHAT!? *Runs to the family den* I don't see- OH MY GOSH! CAMI! THAT IS SO NOT COOL!!

Cami: *Snickers*.


(A/N: The idea for what happens below came from Sal. Thanks Sal! :D)

Sal: Alright, it's clear that we need to find something to do. Any ideas?

Cami: You and Alf--

Sal: NO!

Alfred: -_-

Cami: I wanna go to a haunted house.

Sal: Cami, they don't exist. People just make that stuff up to scare you. And besides, it's not even Halloween.

Cami: It doesn't have to be Halloween. I'm bored.

Sal: Fine, we'll go.

Cami: Great!


Sal: This looks terrifying!

Cami: Hold Alfred's hand.

Sal: Shut up. I meant terrifying in a good way.

Alfred: Since when is that a good thing!?

Sal: It's always been a good thing for me.

Alfred: You're weird.

Sal: Thank you.

Alfred: ....

Cami: Okay, Sal - you're going first! *Shoves Sal forward*.

Sal: Big deal. *Walks in* It's just an old, crappy looking house!

Cami, Alfred, & Darren: *Walk inside*.

Cami: Hmm. It's fancy.

Sal: Well it's not scary. *Goes upstairs*.

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