Time Waster # 41 -- Junior Year & Sal's Secret Sibling

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  • Dedicated to Christmas Food. :)

(A/N: Be prepared for a big skip. Sort of big... Also MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! :D)

--Time Waster # 41--


Sal: I don't wanna go to school yet!

Mason: Sucks for you.

Cami: I wanna go back to the beach house!

Mason: Sorry kiddo.

Sal: Dude! I get a 'sucks for you' but she gets an apology!? What the crap!?

Mason: Sorry, but since we're not related I can't be mean to her.

Sal: Yes you can!

Mason: Can not. Besides, she had a crush on me when she was little, so that automatically makes her cool for noticing how incredibly hot I am.

Sal: *Chokes on her own saliva* That's so messed up, Mason.

Mason: Shut up. Also, I'm dating her cousin.

Cami: I'm so awesome! :D

Sal: *Scoffs*.

Cami: Shut up, Sal.

Mason: You mean Sally.

Cami: *Snickers*.

Sal: I hate you all.

Mason: *Pulls up in front of the school* Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just get out of my car.

Sal: *Gets out and slams the door shut, then sticks her tongue out at Mason*.

Cami: *Yanks Sal away from the car* Let's go. We're Juniors now, start acting like it.

Sal: *Laughs* Like that's ever gonna happen.

Cami: *Also laughs* Yeah, what was I thinking? Oh look! There's Cheyenne! HI CHEYENNE!

Cheyenne: *Violently shakes her head and walks in another direction*.

Cami: Oh yeah, I forgot. We're bad people.

Sal: I like it when people can't be around us because of our criminal records.

Cami: It's so thrilling!

Alfred: You guys are weird.

Cami: ALFRED! *Tackles Alfred into a hug* Sorry, I know I just saw you yesterday but everyone else is doing the 'tackle hug' thing to their friends and it looked like fun.

Alfred: Right... *Gets up off the floor*.

Cami: So where's Darren and Zack?

Alfred: *Shrugs* Probably getting their schedules from the office, like we should be doing.

Cami: Yay! I love the office!

Sal: How you've managed to spend half of the school year in there and still manage to be a straight A student, I'll never know.

Cami: *Shrugs* I do my work. And a bit of hacking, but mainly I do my work.

Sal: *Rolls her eyes*.


Sal: *Shoves her way out of the office while clutching her schedule* My goodness that was terrifying!

Cami: I know! I thought I was going to be trampled to death in there!

Sal: Wait, where's Alfred?

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