Time Waster # 35 -- Truth or Dare Pt. 1

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  • Dedicated to Brave souls who pick dare.

--Time Waster # 35--

Cami: This isn't fair! And I'm pretty sure it's considered some form of child abuse, too!

Sal: Oh shut up, Cami. *Finishes tying Cami's hands behind her back* This is for your own good.

Cami: Darren! You'll help me, right!?

Darren: *Whistles while walking away*.

Sal: I don't see how much longer that relationship is gonna last.

Cami: Yeah, its confusing to other people.

Sal: *Nods* You hungry?

Cami: What kind of question is that? I'm always hungry.

Sal: *Rolls her eyes and shoves a raw fish in Cami's mouth*.

Cami: *Gags violently and spits the fish in Alfred's face*.

Alfred: Hey! What did you do that for!? *Wipes raw fish off of his face*.

Cami: You helped them do this to me. You butt pickle!

Alfred: *Sighs* How much longer do we have until this trip is over? I can't stand camping with Cami any longer.

Cami: Hey! I'm still here, you know! I can hear you!

Alfred: Unfortunately.

Cami: *Gasps dramatically*.

Alfred: *Rolls his eyes*.

Mason: We'll have to head home today. There's a storm coming.

Cami: Then we should stay! :D

Mason: Why in the world would we stay here during a storm?

Sal: Mason, this is Cami. You should have learned by now not to ask questions.

Mason: *Sighs and nods* Let's go.


Cami: So Charlie's out of jail, and Jack should be getting out tomorrow. I say we throw a party!

Cheyenne: I'd love to meet them.

Alfred: Not Charlie, you wouldn't. She's more of a nag then Sal is.


Alfred: *Raises an eyebrow* Donut?

Sal: I'm not allowed to swear.

Alfred: Yeah, but why donut?


Alfred: *Sighs and leans back in his chair*.



Drew: I'll get it!

Sal: NO! DON'T TOUCH THAT DOOR! *Jumps from the staircase railing and tackles Drew to the ground*.

Drew: *Screams in shock and pain* Mommy!

S.M: *Runs into the room* Sal! What on earth do you think you're doing!?

Sal: What's it look like? I'm sure as heck not baking cookies.

S.M: Get off him! He's only eight! Or nine... Or something like that.

Drew: Seriously!? *Shoves Sal off of him and runs upstairs*.

Sal: He'll grow up to be serial killer. I just know it.

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