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mention of a suicide attempt


Lilith Prior, or as her friends called her- Lily, was what some say an outgoing and open spirit. She played her personality to be sarcastic and confident when in reality she was far from it. She silently struggled with issues and home trauma all while pretending she was someone she wasn't.

Lily had figured out she was attracted to girls in the 9th grade, but of course- that wasn't allowed. Her mother was a perfectionist who was manipulative and controlling. Her father was dead- But that she wasn't sorry about. He was a terrible person. She expected her mother to get better after her father died, but she just replaced his manipulative ways. Her father died when she was 13, right after her 8th-grade year started, but he made sure to leave memories and trauma with her when he died. She struggled with PTSD for years, and adding to it her mom would force boyfriends with her too, "cure her."

She had always felt alone in this world. She didn't have many friends, well actual friends. The person she pretended to be had many friends, the person she pretended to be was made by her mother. She had everything planned out, from her clothes to her grades to her future career. Lily gave up on trying to be herself a long time ago, she didn't plan to get past 18. She almost didn't last past 15 after she tried to commit suicide, but that didn't work and her mother covered it up.

She now lived in a suburban neighborhood in California after moving from New York when her dad passed. Her mom tried to isolate her because she didn't want the secrets of what her dad did to get out. Well if your wondering- the secret never did get out. It's locked away in her brain.

Now Lily was 17 and in a public high school. She learned she loved to read on her own, it gave her an escape. She rarely stopped other than when she was reading or when she was taking pictures. She wanted to go to school for photography if she made it past 18- or if her mom let her. She found comfort in an online friend she met on Instagram after her first attempt. That's the only person she ever opened up to. Her mother obviously didn't know, she would flip if she did.

Her "current boyfriend" was a fake scam her mom made up because she wants a cover for high school. His name was Aaron- such a stereotypical asshole boy name, but it fit him perfectly. Her mom found him when she went to one of the school's football games, and yes he's the captain. He was quite a bad person, her mom paid him to deal with Lily and hookup, Lily didn't want to but she would rather deal with 15 minutes of discomfort than 2 days of her mom's scolding. She only had to deal with him during school hours and days her mom planned he would "come over". He never texted her, which she loved. She loved to laugh at him with her online friend, that friend was named Andrea- or Rea for short. Rea knew quite everything about Lily, even about her dad. She was a great listener and made Lily feel truly loved for the first time in her life.

It was currently October, the month of Lily's favorite holiday. She always loved Halloween, not for the candy but the idea of you can be whoever you want. Shes always hated thanksgiving because her mom scolded her for eating. Christmas was full of disappointment, seeing her family, and having to pretend her parents were the perfect people they thought. She never got a present from her parents, and her family thought she was so spoiled they didn't give her gifts either. So Halloween was always the best option for her. She loved the fall weather and decorations, horror was always something she was drawn to, it made her feel something, and all she ever wanted was to feel something other than pain.

Lily redecorated her entire room for Halloween, her room was the one place her mother didn't control. Since her mother let her have that one space, she barely came in there because she felt disgusted to see Lily not fill out her dreams.

Rea gave her ideas and stayed on face time with her almost the entire time. Lily always enjoyed her life in the moments he was talking to Rea, it was like her safe space. But her safe space always had to leave at some point. This time it happened to be because of her mom, she came to yell and pick out Lily's appearance on what she didn't like. She made sure her homework was done and scolded her for not being in bed. She forgot it was Sunday, and she has to put on her mask again tomorrow for school, and how she hated school


um prologue done- I tried my best so hopefully it's okay

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um prologue done- I tried my best so hopefully it's okay

Anyway, how are we feeling so far?

remember to drink water and eat something :)

*head pats*

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