Chapter Fifty Seven

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Lily's POV

July 22nd

I've lived here for about a month, and I've adapted so well. Ms. Cunning is like a dream to live with, she's extremely understanding.

And Tom is really nice, he comes around a lot and has dinner with us. I still can't wrap my head around the whole rich generous man thing, but I'll learn eventually.

He's had a lot of 'meetings' with us, and those include him answering our questions or finding apartments we are fond of.

But he told us today is the day he's showing us our apartment. He visited it and made an offer that was accepted, and he seems really excited about it.

He asked for the boxes we are keeping in a storage unit to be brought to the building, and he said they finished that early afternoon.

I'm so excited, like really really excited. I've basically gotten over that guilty feeling the more I see how excited he was. Me and Rea were talking one night and I suggested he might be happy to have people to spoil, and she agreed. It made us a little sad but I know Rea is grateful for him, and I'm a thousand percent sure her mom is deeply in love with this man.

"Are you girls ready?"

I look up to see Tom leaning in our doorway holding his car keys. We both nod and follow him out. We follow him there in our own car, and I'm shocked with how nice the building looks.

Tom parks in this parking lot specified for the renters, and we park next to him.

"Okay girls, you guys are on floor 5 apartment 6, okay?"

Me and Rea look at each other and smile, "okay."

He gives us the keys, "I'm going to let you guys go in alone. I'll see you at the house."

"Thank you so much, Tom."

He waves us off, "it was my pleasure."

As we watch him get in his car and drive away, me and Rea laugh and jingle the keys. "Are we ready?" she asks me, and I nod quickly.

We take an elevator— I find this extremely fancy by the way— until we arrive on the fifth floor. We find our apartment quickly and we hesitate before opening the door.

As soon as we open the door we see a hallway leading into an open room. The farther we look we realize it's a kitchen and by the window is a living room.

The kitchen has these dark wood cabinets and light green walls. The sun hits it just right and makes it shine in such a beautiful way.

And the living room is open and cozy and I can just imagine how perfect this is for us to grow in. We're going to do so well.

We explore and find two bedrooms with a bathroom connected to each one. The master bedroom has a really big closet, and I don't even think I have enough clothes for that. All the walls are a light gray that I'm definitely going to paint when I get the chance, and I can already imagine how I can decorate this.

I'm so excited.

I'm so excited to do it with her.

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