Chapter Six

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Lily's POV

October 31st

Sweat, marijuana, and alcohol are all I smell.

The humid air is suffocating me.

I hate high school party's.

I can feel the bass from the music, and the crowd of people around me.

I stupidly decided it was a great idea to agree to go to this party. Violet invited me, ever since the mall, she has been more talkative, maybe I finally have a friend.

I originally was going to spend Halloween cuddled in my bed with candy and scary movies, but somehow I'm now wearing a slutty angel costume, which is paired with Violet's slutty devil one, standing in the middle of a kitchen waiting for Violet to come back from wherever she went.

About 15 minutes ago she got a call from, what she said, was one of her friends. They had arrived and she wanted to welcome them, leaving me here alone.

I felt it before I could process it.

Suddenly my shoulder jerked forward, resulting from someone bumping into me. The red solo cup filled slightly with clear liquid fell out of my hand and onto the floor.

"Mother fucker." I spit out, dropping to my knees on the floor and picking up the cup. A pool of vodka surrounding the open end of it.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there-" A deep voice says behind me, "It's whatever, do you know where any paper towel is? When you bumped into me I spilled my drink everywhere."

"Uh I don't know, I can ask someone." He slurs his words, he obviously drank more than he can handle. "No it's fine, you can leave. I'll figure it out." He says a quick okay and scurries away. I huff and stand back up, deciding it's not worth cleaning.

I guess I can get another drink. I think, anything to pass time.

"Lily! Lily! Hey, I'm sorry I took so long." I recognize Violet's voice behind me.


"It's fine, I do need a new drink though. This drunk dick ran into me and I spilled it." She laughs, "Of course let's go."

We start to walk our way through the crowd of people, careful not to bump into anyone. Some people are dancing, others are drinking, and the closer we got to the table where the drinks are- we see people grinding on each other as they weren't in public.

But hey who am I to judge? They can do whatever they want- if basically having sex on a wall at a party is what they want, great for them.

We eventually get to the table where many bottles of alcohol sit, both me and Violet pour ourselves some vodka in solo cups, way more than a shot but I don't feel like walking back to get more.

We get back to where we originally were, I lean against the counter and tip my cup to my lips, feeling the strong liquid hit my taste buds and I take a drink, tipping it back down when i've had enough and scrunching my face up from the taste. I let out a breath and turn to Violet, "So who's the friend you left for earlier?"

She stiffens, not expecting me to ask. "Oh it was one of my girlfriends, Lauren, yeah she got here with her boyfriend and I wanted to say hi." She takes a shot of her drink right after she finishes her sentence. "Oh okay, just wondering."

I look down at the time, 11:43 PM, god I just wanna go home. But I don't wanna bail on Violet, since she was the one who invited me.

"Hey girls- you guys look great tonight." A sudden deep voice comes up next to us, slurring his words. When I look at him he is shamelessly ranking his eyes down both our bodies- wait that's the same guy who knocked over my drink. His breath reeked of alcohol, he obviously didn't recognize me. Which I don't understand because it hasn't even been an hour since.

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