Chapter Fifty Three

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Rea's POV

"Come on Lily."

She hums, "nope. Not happening."

"It's a good idea."

"Rea no."

I huff, rubbing my eyes. I stare at the ceiling, wondering how I can convince her. When I got home I had called her right away. She was stubborn with the idea from the second it left my mouth, but she's not budging, and I'm feeling a little irritated.

"Lily, I already over-thought this, just hear me out."

I can hear a sense of annoyance in her tone as well, good to know we're on the same page. "Really, no, I'm not taking money from your mom's nice boy toy."

"Lily he's offering. He doesn't have a problem with it,"

Suddenly she requests to turn the call into a facetime, which makes me shut up. When I answer she's staring at me with her eyebrows raised. "Rea come on, this is a fucking apartment."

"An apartment present."

"This isn't how it goes. It's unfair to use so much money."

"Maybe this can be how it goes! We didn't expect any of this. We didn't expect you to move in with Ann, or make friends with Aaron, or where we both get accepted into the same college, or now where we are getting offered an apartment. It's insane, I know, but just think about it. Life is giving us something good."

She shakes her head, furrowing her eyebrows. "What if it backfires?"

I huff out, "Lily can you please stop thinking of the possible outcomes. What if it doesn't backfire? What if it goes amazing and this is the best thing ever."

She looks at me in a pleading way.

I feel like throwing up my hands. I want her to understand. "Lily, I'm being serious. This can be amazing. We can live together."

She smiles, but it's almost nervous. Then it hits me.

"Is that what you're worried about? Us living together?"

Her face pales, her putting her face in her hand.

"Lily," I warn. She looks back at me. "It's not that Rea I swear. I just, I just don't want anything to happen and then have nowhere to go. I don't want to have to do that again."

I wish I could hug her, give her some kind of physical reassurance. This is killing me.

"Please don't look at the possible outcomes Lily. I get it, but I'm trying to tell you. I want you, I don't plan on letting us go, I want this opportunity. But if you don't want it I can't stop you."

Her eyes glass over, "you know that's not what I mean."

"I don't know what you mean Lily! I'm trying to tell you what I think, but all you're telling me is half-answers that you won't finish!"

She huffs, "I'm just scared okay! Everything is changing so fucking fast! A few months ago I was still living with my mom and now life feels too good. I don't want that to end. And I'm scared that if it keeps changing it's just gonna go downhill. I don't want that."

I understand where she's coming from, I get the anxiety. I have it too, I just want to help her understand it's worth it. The change could be good, but I don't think her fear is letting her believe that.

"Please just think about it. Think about the pros, not the cons."

"It could be really nice," she smiles. The look of worry is still on her face, but it seems more tamed. "I know right," I agree.

"We could get cats," she proposed. I nod my head. "What could be named them?"

She thinks for a second, "Berry and Peanut."

I smile, thinking of it. The names sound familiar, but I can't put my finger on why. "I love it,"

She sighs happily, seeming like all the anxiety temporarily melted away. "We could adopt them, I would spoil the hell out of them though."

"Oh I know you would," I giggled. "They wouldn't remember what the street life ever was."

"I want that so bad," she admitted. The urge to hug her is strong, but I've gotten used to it. "Then say yes, Tom is about ready to look for apartments in his free time. Just think of how much less stress, and how fun it could be."


"I will literally give you the apartment if anything happens to us."

She rolls her eyes. "That's a no, but okay."

"I'm just trying to show you I just want you, this could be so much less stressful if we took this opportunity."

"Don't you think it's a little fast?"

"We're not getting married here," I say playfully. "It's just college, and we've known each other for years."



She huffs, crossing her arms. "I hate that I think you're right."

"You know you love it."

"Are you sure?"

A smile spreads across my face. "My mom and him already talked about it. It's only us now. It's our decision. I'll do whatever you want, baby."

Her cheeks heat and she giggles as she buries her face in her hands. "I do like the idea."


"Yeah. I do." she smiles.

"So do you want to? I ask, she nods her head. "Are you sure?"

"Tom, your mom, and you are fine with it. Then yes, I would love to live with you and our cats Rea."

I feel like a little kid. Like I should jump around in happiness. But I don't, I keep it contained.

Life feels kinda great. I could get used to this


"I love you," Lily says in a heavy breath. The night is dark and it's late at night. We ended up decking to fall asleep on the phone together, but our conversations are fading the later it gets.

"I love you," I said back, smiling at the ceiling. I can hear her breath even out. The pattern sounded like white noise coming out of my phone.

All I can think of is how amazing these past two days have been. Everything is so unbelievable. It almost feels like a dream, like I want someone to pinch me.

I'm going to be living with my girlfriend. Going to the college I want, and being near my mom. If we do get cats, I think I might explode and die from how good life is.


This one is kinda short oops

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This one is kinda short oops

Sorry Ann for the no warning ;)

Remember to drink water and eat something :)

*head pat*

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