Chapter Thirty Five

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Lily's POV


The last 48 hours have been a blur. Violet never showed up to school Thursday, so I'm hoping she will today. Seeing as I'm already at school, let's hope she's just avoiding me and isn't staying home again.

In the hours I've spent thinking, not a single feeling for Violet has surfaced, the only thing I realized was I never did anything for my birthday. Rea called me, but that's it. It was Tuesday, 3 days ago.

Another reason against Violet's feelings, she didn't remember my birthday, she did however confess something unspeakable the day after. I can think of it as an unwanted, and late birthday gift.

Here I stand, in the school bathroom staring at my complexion. I have this light purple blouse with these black jeans, thanks to my mother of course. My Christmas gift lays on my neck, my fingers playing with the plate hanging among the three stars. It's funny that she thought I would forget that day. That entire trip is engraved into my brain like I got it tattooed. I always switch off from the bracelet and the necklace, depending on the outfit. This just felt right for today.

Speaking of Rea, ever since I told her what happened she's been very open with making jokes about Violet. Which I find hilarious, but I do feel bad sometimes. Rea made it clear the only reason she is open to this behavior is because of how I told her Violet got mad when I rejected her. She said, and I quote, "how the fuck is it your fault? She's not allowed to be pissed."

Which I agree with, but she can't help her feelings, and neither can I.

Rea has been very helpful, like always. She's very vocal about how she's on my side. I don't think she likes Violet, like not even a little. But that doesn't matter, we talk even more than we did before Violet said anything, since, you know, she refuses to talk to me.

The bell rings, making me drop my hands to my sides, huff, and head into the hallway of people. My eyes scan over the swarm of classmates, finding the familiar brunette locks of Violet very quickly. My steps hit the floor faster, "Violet!'' I call out, her head snapping in my direction, but she turns to walk away almost instantly. She blends in with the glob of people, my sight losing her faster than my brain could process. I can't even speed up, she's too far.

A heavy arm swings over my shoulder, making me jump. "Just go with it," is whispered in my ear, my brain making the realization it's Aarons voice. I turn slightly, seeing his friends Jack, Kyle, and Dean staring at me, or more so us. Dean looks at me up and down, smiling with a charming expression. "Well damn, I thought he ghosted you, Lily. Haven't seen you in forever."

I laugh, sounding more uncomfortable than amused. My fingers are playing with the fabric of my shirt. "Nope, still here. Just busy."

"Well yeah, having a smart girlfriend comes with her disappearing at random points." Aarons's hand rubs up and down my arm, making the skin under my skirt crawl. I stare at the floor, my weight shifting on my heels. Jack stares at me with a look that could send daggers. The cloud in his vision seemed to be almost unbelievable, like he could see right through our scheme.

An awkward silence echoed over our little group, Kyle clapped his hand on Aarons's shoulder, "Alright dude, we have to go. Bye Lily."

I smile at him, waving as they walk away from us, facing Aaron. "Okay, so what was that for?"

"You spend too much time with Violet, people will get suspicious we aren't together. Especially my friends. Do you want everyone to find out?" he grimaces, I shake my head, knowing what would happen if people did catch on. Even if I wish they would. "Now, I'm going to walk you to class. Pretend to not hate me."

His hand slides to hold my hip, his arm hugged around me, pushing me to walk with us hip to hip. The people around us stare like we would have hoped. I don't understand what's so entertaining about a couple. The only set of eyes that catch mine are Violets. She looks between us, irritation painted over her expression. Before I could even think of getting out of his grasp to talk to her she was walking away. I sigh in defeat, leaning closer to Aaron to try and avoid the burning eyes. The walk to my class seems to take forever, but we get there eventually. He kisses my cheek, better than an actual kiss, and walks away. I watch him, trying to seem to others as if I'm sad he's leaving when in reality I couldn't be happier.

I pull out my phone, opening Reas contact.

Reas POV

Mission fake relationship successful.

Kill me now

Her texts vibrate my phone. I almost laugh when I read them, Hannah looking at me with curious eyes. Our conversations have been like this a lot lately; simple, but entertaining. That's all I can ask for.

"So that smile definitely wasn't caused by your mom, and I'm sitting right here, so what's Lily up to?" I roll my eyes, turning my phone off. "School, unlike us."

"At Least one of you is responsible," she teases, making me lean over to flick her ear. "You were the one who convinced me to stay home." She jerks away, coving her ear from another attack. "Yeah, but you agreed."


A knock at the door pulls my attention away from the puzzle, "get that please." She groans, getting up from the couch and mumbling something along the lines of, 'stupid pizzle' and 'it's your door.'

"Hello, I have a delivery for Elizabeth Cunning?"

I look up, a man standing there with a white box, longer than it is wide. Hannah smiles, taking it from him, saying a few words I can't make out before he's gone again. "Who is it from?"

Hannah shrugs, turning the box in all directions. "No clue, but the box says it's from 'Corporate Flower,' isn't that the bouquet shop, like, 30 minutes from here?"

Confused, I stand up, grabbing the box from her. "Can we open it?" I nod my head, letting her open the bottom part, and slide out a bundle of flowers, tied together. "Well, well, your mom has an admirer."

I carefully look through the flowers, trying to find some type of card. Coming across a blank white folded piece of paper, on a stick. I look at Hannah, contemplating seeing what's inside before I open it to read anyway.

'Every time one of these dies, I will take you out to celebrate for another day I got to spend with you.
With all my love, Tom'

"That's cute! He seems romantic," Hannah coos, running her fingers along with the petals. "Yeah, he's great, he makes my mom really happy. She's just private with it so I'm surprised he's like this."

"Well, she deserves it. Let's put these in water before one dies before she gets home."


Filler chapter, fairly short, i apologize it took so long

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Filler chapter, fairly short, i apologize it took so long.

Remember to drink water and eat something :)

*head pat*

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