Chapter Forty

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Lily's POV

After driving for 2 hours, I ended up here. I don't exactly know how but it's my only idea. The smudged mascara is easily detectable under my eyes, obvious I was crying. But I could care less. It felt like a movie scene, me getting out of the car and walking outside in the rain, except right now I'm trying to find somewhere to stay not confess my undying love.

I get to his door and knock twice, I look down at my feet and shift my weight while waiting for the door to open. For a second I thought I would be standing out here all night, but the door did open and I was faced with Ann. She stared at me with her blue eyes, confused. After a second she puts her hair behind her ears,

"Hello gorgeous, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Uhm, I need to ask a question. Where's Aaron?"  She looks behind her and clicks her tongue, "in his room, I can lead you there or I can get him."

"Can you show me, please? It's really cold out." She nods and urges me to come inside, she shuts the door behind me and takes the lead to what I assume to be his room. "Here you go, knock or he might think it's me," she walks toward a door next to his, a sticker on her door makes me relook out of curiosity.

"Is that a pillsbury doughboy sticker on your door?" she looks back at it and laughs, "yes but it's not really relevant."

She steps into her room, I knock on his door hoping this will go smoothly, fumbling with my hands while I wait. "Go away Ann."

"It's Lily."

Seconds later his door opens and he stands in front of me with a look of shock on his face. He runs his hands through his hair and moves to the side to let me in, "what are you doing here?"

I enter and awkwardly stand in the middle of his room, a blue light is the only form of light in his room coming from a strip on his wall. "I have a question for you."

"I don't have time to have sex with you-"

My face scrunches up in disgust, "oh god no that's not what I'm asking." I shake my head before continuing. "I need somewhere to stay for a minute, just until I can figure out a different plan." His brows furrow, "why can't you just stay at home? I don't want you staying here."

"If I could I would, please Aaron. I have nowhere else, I'll sleep on the floor if that's the only place open."

He rolls his eyes, "just stop being petty and go home."

I want to yell, I'm sick of people thinking it's my fault. "I cant that's what I'm trying to tell you."

"How is that my problem?"

My stomach turns, this isn't looking good for me.

"It's not, please let me stay. I won't bother, I'll keep to myself, I'll cook you dinner if you want, I just need somewhere."

He smirks, "So what I'm hearing is you're willing to be my housewife so you have shelter."


"Not really bu-"

"Then no"

The door quickly opens, both of us looking for who it is, Ann stomping her way over to him. "Can you just shut up Aaron? You're such an ass."

He rolls his eyes, "blah, blah, blah...shut up. This is my business, not yours." She walks closer to him and grabs him by the ear. "It becomes my business when you're trying to manipulate this poor girl into being your servant so she has somewhere to stay, you'd want her help if you needed it." She mutters in a loud whisper. I'm guessing her grip gets tighter because he breathes out multiple 'ows'

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