Epilogue Two

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This is the final epilogue, thank you so much for joining me on this year long journey. I recommend listening to the song above when you see this symbol: *


Lily's POV

Two years later

May 2031

"I hate this stupid fucking 'can't see each other before the wedding' shit. Like, who came up with this!"

Ann looks up from her stitching the last bit of the waist of my dress. "Didn't you decide to add this tradition?"

"You're not helping you know," I commented and rolled my eyes. "This is just absurd. She's my fiancée!"

"Lily," Ann sighs, "I know this is like pre-wedding jitters or whatever, but I need to sew this. So can you just shush for a second? You can literally rant all you need when I'm done."

"This is literally my day," I mutter before sitting down, quietly.

"Okay," she announces, "I'm done. You can talk now."

Crossing my arms, "well I'm over it now."

"You're so difficult," she huffs, lifting my dress into the light. I tap my foot on the floor, looking down at my phone. There's still three hours until I can even see Rea, it's already been over 12, which doesn't sound much, but I don't care. "What do you think Rea is doing right now?"

"Uh, probably getting ready? Like you should be right now."

Ann is so bossy with this type of stuff. I don't say anything though, I don't want to die on my wedding day. I lift my hands in surrender, "my hair is done, progress."

She shakes her head, "yeah well that's because I did it."

"And you're going to do my makeup." She death stares me, it's giving me very 'i've had enough' energy, but hey. It's my day I can push her buttons if I want. She points at the door leading outside, "I'm going to go jump out this window first, is that cool?"

I pretend to think about it, trying not to smile. "I don't think that's part of the lesson plan."

After a lot more annoying Ann, she starts my makeup. I think about the day ahead while I sit there. How excited I am for it to start.

Rea and I planned a pretty small wedding, just people close to us and some friends. And we only have one bridesmaid or maid of honor, it's kind of mixed. Mine is Ann and Rea's is Hannah. Since we only invited a group of people, there wasn't enough to have two sets of bridesmaids and people in the chairs.

Also, it just felt more special. We have never shown off our relationship, we savored it for ourselves, so why change that today?

Keeping it small forced Ann to not make her plans so extravagant, but she listened. It's been a fairly enjoyable experience planning the wedding, everyone always described it as this stressful situation but I've loved it. I love bringing mine and Rea's together.

Between Rea's vet tech job and my social worker job, the wedding became what we snook time to talk about, we were overly excited with the whole thing.

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