Chapter Eight

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Rea's POV

"You won't believe what happened tonight."

"Spill. I want to know everything," I say eagerly.

"Okay uh where do I start? I told you about the mall right?" she sounds flushed like she doesn't know what word will come next. "You told me you went with violet, that's pretty much it."

"Okay so ill fill you in as I go, so today I went to a Halloween party- don't ask why. Violet asked me too."

"Well, first of all, it was boring. The funniest thing was when this guy knocked into me and made me drop my drink then tried to hit on us an hour later." she laughs, rolling her eyes.

"Wait did he not remember you or something? How can he just knock into you then expect you to give in to him?" This guy sounds like a moron.

"Yeah, he drank too much and couldn't remember who I was. He couldn't even walk properly."

We both laugh at the stupidity of men, I mean who does that.

"Okay so here is where it gets more interesting. Violets friend got there and she left to say hi and she was gone for a few minutes. When she came back she offered to only stay till midnight and then we could get food. And since I wanted to be anywhere but there I said yes." her phone was sitting on her desk, letting her use both her hands freely which resulted in her using her hands to talk.

"Well we left and drove to get food, she was nice. We sat in the parking lot and talked while listening to the radio. It wasn't awkward at all which is weird because it usually is with people. Arctic Monkeys came on and I made her listen to the song. But after it finished is when it got- weird." She stops her sentence and looks around, seconds later a hair tie comes into view, and shes tying her hair.

"What happened?" I can't tell if this is good or bad.

"Well she was staring at me, I didn't know why so I laughed but then. Well, then she- she uh kissed me."

She kissed her?

"What?" I definitely sound as shocked as I am.

"Crazy right? I didn't expect it at all. I mean she's straight- or so she said. Like at the mall she made sure I was straight so I wouldn't "get an idea" and then we went shopping for her to get lingerie for a guy! It just doesn't make sense." I can't really focus on her words, my mind is running 1,000 miles an hour.

I've never felt this jealous in my life.

She kissed her.

Did she like it?

Does she like her?

Am I gonna lose her to Violet?

"Rea?" I hear her say my name, too caught up in my thoughts to remember she's still there.

"You disappeared there for a second." I fake a laugh, "yeah sorry."

"So wait what do you think this means?"

She furrows her brows, "um I don't know. She said she wanted to forget it happened."

"Is that what you want?" I want to know if I have to worry.

"I mean I guess. She's a friend and my mother would forbid anything anyway." that doesn't sound very confident. Please don't like her Lily.

If not for my own good, for the fact she's probably struggling with herself, and if she decides she doesn't like girls that would hurt Lily.

"Oh okay."

"Rea are you okay? Did something happen before I called?" I need to hide my emotions better. "Everythings fine I'm just super tired."

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