Chapter Seventeen

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Lily's POV


My worst enemy and my best lover.

As a child, I always thought it was this terrible thing that I would never touch.

Don't get me wrong, it is terrible, it causes so many bad things when in the hands of the wrong people.

But it's not so bad sometimes.

That sometimes meaning now,

I'm currently drunk off my ass on a Saturday night while my mom is gone for the weekend.

It's technically illegal for someone of my age to drink, but who's gonna tell on me? My wall?

I'm laying on my floor, it's pretty comfortable, for a floor.

Alcohol makes me feel numb, or sometimes happy. It gives me a distraction.

I'm not even gonna try to get up, I don't think I can feel my legs.

The thought made me curl over to poke my leg, seeing if it had feeling.

Yep, I can feel them but I probably can't walk.

The ceiling is pretty interesting.

I never noticed how many cresses it has- how old is this ceiling? 1,000 years old?

Ceiling's don't get cresses from old age dumbass

My stupidity makes me laugh, and once I do I don't stop.

See alcohol isn't so bad sometimes? I'm laughing


We haven't really talked lately, well other than earlier today. I wonder what she's up to.

Before I realize what I'm doing I'm grabbing my phone from beside me and pulling up her contact. I press the call button and put the phone to my ear.

"Lily? Hey." God, I love her voice, I could listen to it for hour-

"Lily? You there?"

I hiccup before answering, "Y-yeah I'm here"

"Okay." Her soft laugh rings through my phone, "What are you up to?"

"I mean I'm not i-in the sky so I'm not UP to any-anything" I need to get under control, less hiccuping. Defiantly less slurring. She doesn't know I drink sometimes. "What are youu up to.." I'm trying to joke, by bringing out the you but it doesn't work.

"Cleaning up glitter from earlier. Lily are you good?" Now, how the hell could she tell. Is she the fun police?

"Maybe I am the fun police." Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you said that out loud." She ended her sentence with a laugh.




"I'm on the floor, do you think you can help me?"

"I would but, you know, I live like in another state."

"Oh yeah, that su- sucks." It really does, I wish I could hug her.

"Yes, it does, um Lily? Weird question?"

"Yes Rea?"

"Are you, um, drunk?"

Welp, I'm screwed

"Noooo" I drag out the o,

"Lily where did you even get the alcohol? Your 17, they don't sell it to people your age." Really? Getting the alcohol was the easiest part of me getting drunk.

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