Chapter One

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Lily's POV

It was Sunday.

Which meant tomorrow was Monday, I hated Mondays the most. It was the hardest day to act in my mother planned role. All weekend I have been myself, now I have to go back in a matter of hours. While I was cleaning up my room before I got ready for bed I heard my phone ding.


"Why'd you hang up?"

It was Rea. I wish I hadn't hung up, I felt so happy while in that call.


"Sorry it was my mom, she walked in."

My fingers typed fast, I knew the keyboard on my phone by heart so it was very easy for a fast reply. Seconds later it dinged again.


"Oh I get it, is she gone? Do you want to call again?"

Her wanting to call again made me so happy, but I had to get ready for tomorrow and she was the thing I needed when I was trying to get out of my role, not into it.


"I wish, but I have to get ready for school tomorrow. We can still text though"

I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen, impatient for her reply.


"Okay, that's fine :) I have to finish my homework anyway."

Confusion washed over me, homework? We studied together earlier- how much does her school give her?


"We studied earlier and I thought you got it done? Where did this come from?"



"I was to focused on you to finish my work, is that a problem? :)"

I smiled.


"No problem, I just thought you would finish it."

We stayed talking back and forth for the next two hours. After I saw it was midnight however I had to go to bed. Normally I would be happy about this because I got a break, but I didn't want to stop talking to her. After saying goodnight I laid down in my soft and fluffy bedding, feeling sleepy already, the longer I laid there the heavier my eyes got until everything went dark.



Oh, how I hated that sound. It means it is 6 AM, also known as the time I have to get up for school. I reach for my phone in the dark, patting my hand on my desk till I find it, the beeping noise still going. I quickly shut it off and adjust my eyes to the brightness of the screen. When they adjusted I seen a text from Rea.

5:45 AM


"Good morning, I hope your day is great despite school :)"

5:45? I forgot how early this girl gets up. I sleepily type back.


"Good morning to you too, I can't say ill enjoy today but thank you."

I turn my phone back off and put it back on my desk. I groan as I roll over and get out of bed. I walk to my light and turn it on, quickly shutting my eyes from the brightness of the light. I go to sit down at my mirror where all my makeup sits.

Today I have to do my mother's preferred routine, concealer, mascara, blush, and a lip tint with gloss. I stare at my pale complexion looking back at me. My hair is messy from the sleep, my eyes are blue and stick out next to my dark eyebags. I've grown to like my face a little, I had pretty lips, for the most part, my skin was clear and my nose didn't have any obvious imperfections. I sigh as I start my makeup. It takes me about 15 minutes before I then brush and straighten my hair. My hairs naturally straight so I have no idea why she makes me do it. I check the time, 6:29 AM. One minute. As soon as it turns 6:30, just on schedule, my mother walks into my room and goes straight to my closet to pick out her planned outfit for today.

"Here, this is what your wearing."

Her stern voice rings in my ears as she throws the clothes on my bed and walks out. I get up to look at what she picked out. Blue skinny jeans- typical. But today she picked out a coral colored sweater with black shoes. Hm, maybe she was feeling spontaneous with the coral color. I quickly change into my clothes, adding my accessories, and sit down back on my bed. 

I had another 15 minutes until we had to leave. I decide to go over today's personality. I remember how confident I'm supposed to act, and nice. Suddenly I felt dizzy. Oh no- not now. I forgot to eat lunch and dinner yesterday, I don't think my body enjoyed that. I walk out of my room to the fridge and get a water. I put it to my lips and feel the cool liquid start to pour in my mouth and down my throat. I quickly down it and go to grab my backpack. 

It was officially time to leave so I grab my keys and head to my car. I drive to school feeling slight panic take my mind. I didn't want to see Aaron or the teachers or be this person everyone thought I was. The parking lot entrance came quicker than expected. I turn into it and find a spot. Once I do I shut off my car and take a deep breath.

Here we go.


hopefully the chapters get longer 

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hopefully the chapters get longer 

remember to drink water and eat something :)

*head pat*

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