Chapter Forty Five

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I am SO SORRY it's taken me a month to post, with school and personal issues it's been hard for me to write. I'm going to try my hardest to keep a consistent writing pace but i'm only one person that can only do so much. This one was more of a filler, so slightly boring (I know). Love you <3

Lily's POV

The most surreal feeling is waking up next to her again. It was almost scary, not knowing who was next to me for the .2 seconds. For a while I layed there in the moment, counting her breaths, watching how peaceful she seemed. But quickly I realized that's fairly creepy, so I snuck my way out of her bed and found my way to the living room. Ms. Cunning sits on the sofa with a cup of coffee in one hand and her other she was holding her phone.

She hears the creek under my steps and turns toward me, smiling a comforting, warm smile I have seen so many times in pictures. "Hi dear, how'd you sleep?"

"Well.'' I smile, sitting next to her. "Rea is still asleep, but I got restless." She nods her head, sipping on her mug. Her nails are painted this lavender color, very noticeable that she takes good care of them. She sets her cup down, interlocking her fingers on her lap. "Do you have any requests for breakfast? I'd be happy to make it."

Before I even think I'm shaking my head, "no, no, I'm the guest, I should make breakfast for you." She laughs, taking my hand in hers, "Oh honey that's not how guest rules work, we are supposed to entertain and feed you."

I sigh, "okay, can I at least help?"

She smiles again, nodding. "Of course. It can pass time while that daughter of mine sleeps the morning away."


About half an hour later, estimating, Rea stumbles into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. We lock eyes while I'm buttering the waffles I made, smiling softly at her. Her eyes light up, walking toward me. I set down the butter knife to wrap my hands around her neck in a hug. "Good morning," I say, "Your mom and I made breakfast."

"I see." She says, looking around, "how long have you been awake?"

"Only about an hour, maybe a little bit longer. I got restless and you looked too peaceful to wake."

She sighs, untangling from the hug and sitting on a chair. "You should've woken me, I wouldn't have minded. But anyway, do you want to visit the garden today? I've been excited for you to see it since you told me you were coming."

I smile happily, nodding. Ms. Cunning comes up from behind and sets plates of food on the counter. "I can't save some of this food for a garden picnic if you girls want? It's gonna go to waste anyway."

I love the idea so much, and I think Rea can agree because she's taking her mom up on the offer before I could even turn to her. "Great! You girls eat and I'll make some lemonade so you don't dehydrate." Sitting down at the table, the food smells great. It's comfortable, like normal even though I've never been here before. It feels as if I've grown up here, but it's the opposite.

We ate until we were puffing out intakes of air from overflowing over our stomachs. Smiling happily from how good the morning was going.

Ms. Cunning had finished the lemonade and put it in thermal cups before packing up some of the breakfast food as snacks when we got there. Rea had taken my hand and pulled me back to the room only a few minutes after we finished eating. Laughing and trying not to trip over my own feet, I followed her.

I dug through my suitcase while she did the same through her closet. "It's going to be on the warmer side today so don't wear something too thick," she smiles, turning away to change in the bathroom. I decide on an off-white thigh lank dress with little pink and green flowers on it that Ann bought me. I had packed it in case we ended up going to the garden, so it's perfect. Rea comes back to her room holding her pajamas. She had put on these puffy blue jeans and a belt with a white t-shirt and a black tank top layered over it.

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