Chapter Twenty Four

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Lily's POV

December 24th

We slept in again, we didn't have much planned. We moved from the couch to my room at some point. I can't help but be consumed with excitement for tomorrow. I thought we would just spend it how I usually do, watching Christmas movies while secretly wishing that was you.

I don't think she realized how much this means. It's not just some gesture, I've been wanting a Christmas for years. And now I get it with my favorite person.

I can't lie, I've been extra nice since she agreed. I go out of my way to do little things.

Which is how I got here, I decided to make breakfast for us. It's easy, and it feels better knowing I'm trying to do things and not just letting her give me a holiday. I made sausage, eggs, and french toast. It's basic so I'm sure she'll enjoy it. I've been trying my hardest to keep quiet because I know once she sees I'm gone she will look for me. I want to have everything done before she has a chance to even think about getting up.

The sausage is done last, so I pile that on one of the plates I put on the tray. Everything sits pretty on the yellow tray my mom bought but never uses. Orange juice and syrup are sitting in the corner, I walk slowly so I don't spill or drop it.

I set the tray down, turning to see her cuddled up in the covers, I smiled at her peaceful state. I walk around to stand next to her, shaking her awake.

"Come on sleeping beauty."

She groans but opens one of her eyes to peek at me, "whyy"

"I made food."

"I need to know if it's worth getting up."

"It's french toast."

This gets her up, she sits up, about to take the covers off but I stop her. "It's in bed for breakfast, sit up." she shuffles to have her back to the blackboard of the frame. I bring the tray closer to us until it's sitting on the bed. I get back on, handing her a plate I put under the food. We distribute it fairly, if you count Rea stealing an entire piece of toast off my plate.

"What time is it?" she questions while we clean up. "Uhm, I think 11?"

"Ew, that means you'd have to get up at like, what, 10 to make this?"

"Yes, so be grateful and bring it to the sink."

She rolls her eyes, "not happening."

"Rock, paper, scissors game? Loser puts it away."

She smiles and agrees, we go through a few rounds where we use the same sign. But of course, I eventually won because I killed her paper with scissors. She huffs and stands up, grabbing the tray while I beam in victory. "You suck," she exclaims before walking to the kitchen.

"Don't trip and fall on my giant wall of victory!" I yell after her, laughing after I hear her groan loudly.


Around 6 PM Rea forces me off the couch and away from the Christmas movie marathon we were having. At first, I refused, but then I gave in.

"We need to decorate for the morning."

This gets me excited, she has left all the decorations in bags so I don't know what she bought. She digs through the bags until she pulls out two boxes.

"Do you want to hang the lights?" I nod and grab the box from her, and unpack the lights from it. I think she grabbed some type of sparkly tinsel because that's what unravels in her hands. She puts one piece of it to the side before starting to hang it in random parts of my living room. I hang the lights by the window and it circles by the tv. When they're turned on a dim pretty range of rainbow lights lightens the room. Her tinsel makes the lights look better, more Christmas-like.

She then pulls a mini tree from the bag along with a small box of purple ornaments. The tree makes me so happy, my mother never really put one up since we did Christmas at her family's.

The tree is set on the table, she wraps the discarded piece of tinsel around it, urging me to come near her.

"Help me figure out where to put these." she points toward the box, so I grab it and open it. There are about 16 small ordinates arranged in it. I dump it out on the floor, giving us a full visual of them all.

"I hope purple is fine, it's the only box left of small ones." she says, I smile reassuringly at her, "it's great. I love purple."

She smiles and we start to put different things on the tree. It takes us a while because we can't seem to figure out the proper place for them. Eventually, however we are happy with it, it's small but looks beautiful. A perfect first tree. I sit back and admire the decorations, they are all so pretty and make me so happy.

"Should we call your mom to show her?" I question, and Rea beams, nodding and grabbing her phone. She presses the call button and it doesn't take long for her to answer.

"Andrea my baby! How've you been, excited for tomorrow?" Rea nods urgently, waving me to come closer. "Very excited. We just decorated, Lily wanted to show you,"

"Where is Lily now? And show me! I'd love to see it!"

She flips the camera to go over the room, her mom praises it. It makes me feel warm.

After she shows her she continues. "She's right here, I'll hand the phone to her while I pick stuff up."

She hands the phone to me and I see her mom smiling on the other end, she's in her pajamas, "Hi Elizabeth how are you?"

I can feel Rea looking at me, so I quickly look at her and she's slightly stunned.

"I've been good! Excited to hear about how the trip is going."

"It's going great, we decorated and we are gonna spend Christmas in my living room."

"Sounds amazing honey."

We talk for a few minutes, but she has to end the call because of another one.

"So you're on a first-name basis now?" Rea questions,

I playfully roll my eyes, "of course I am, she loves me."

"You can say that again. It's quite unfair. She favors you."

"You favor me too, you have no room."

"You're annoying."


I loved writing these Christmas chapters, i already have 25 written and edited so it will be out tomorrow

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I loved writing these Christmas chapters, i already have 25 written and edited so it will be out tomorrow. Love you!

Remember to drink water and eat something:)

*head pat*

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