Chapter Twenty Six

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Rea's POV

Saturday, December 26,

This is the first time I'm writing in this. Lily is in the shower, she left me to sit on her bed. I still have a week left here, I don't leave till a few days into January. But the idea makes me sad, I've gotten so used to staying here.

Her mom gets back later tonight, which means I'll have to go back to the hotel. I don't mind as much, I know Lily will probably come with me. I spent longer in her house than I thought her mother would provide.

Honest to say, I love this journal. I've always wanted one. I've never committed to actually getting one, and I don't know what exactly to write, but this thing has so many pages I'll figure it out eventually.

Well, the shower just turned off, so I have to go.


"Rea! I forgot a towel, come help me out and get me one," I hear her yell from the bathroom, I shake my head and close my journal, placing it on the table. I grab a towel from the closet and bring it to her, she snatches it from my hand and closes the door.

Minutes later she opens the door and a wall of steam floats out. She flops down on the bed beside me, her hair wet and brushed, fanning itself across the bed by her head.

"I just want to curl into a ball and sleep for a decade." she groans, and I nod my head in agreement.

"Do we have plans today?" I question, she shakes her head. "I don't think so-"

Ironically her ringtone cuts her off, she wines but gets up to grab it.

"It's the Devil." she deadpans, "Aaron."

"like Aaron Aaron? What would he want?"

'We're about to find out." She rubs her temples, but quickly answers.

"Hello?" her voice is slightly more preppy than normal. "Are you sure I have to?" She talks between pauses, being careful not to interrupt him. "Yeah okay fine. Wait I have a friend with me, she can't exactly leave, can she come? Yeah, that's fine. Aaron, I know the drill I'm not dumb. Yeah okay, we will wear something nice. Okay geez, I get it party-nice, wait it's a loud party where are your parents? Then why do I have to go? Fucking hell fine. Oh my god, you have requests for my outfit, fine I'll wear the pink dress. Yeah yeah, the behavior with your parents I know. Okay, goodbye."

She hangs up the phone and throws it on the bed, letting out a loud, unpleased groan. "Well, we have plans now."

"Please fill me in."

"It's Aarons's sister's birthday today, they are having a party, and since I'm technically his girlfriend I have to attend. But, you can come to, enjoy the rich family party snacks."

"I didn't even know he had a sister."

"Yeah me too," she mutters,

"What time?" I ask, she turns her head to me, silent for a second, "it starts at 6, they have a small gathering with the family. Then the actual party Ann is holding without her parents present,"

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