Chapter Fifty Five

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Lily's POV

One month later

"You're going to do fine. You already know you graduated, you just have to walk across a stage now."

My anxiety is through the roof– literally. I couldn't stop shaking while trying to get ready so I called Rea, and as helpful as she was, there's nothing I want to do more than curl up in a ball and die.

Everyone said this was supposed to be a happy day, one where you were so excited to have this milestone. But for me, it just feels like a kick in the stomach. How am I supposed to walk across a stage in front of a whole senior class of students who still believe in this made-up version of myself? I have Ann, and Sebastion is flying out to see it, but my class still doesn't know me. I'm gonna walk across and feel fake, I'm so scared.

"Well, yours already happened so that doesn't help me."

"It should since I already did it."

I lay on the bed with my phone on speaker by my head. "Rea, I'm so scared."

She sighs, "I know, but tomorrow you'll be glad it's over. Just get through today and you're done. I'm so proud of you, you got this."

"I wish you were here."

"I wish I was too."

When I look at the clock, the realization of how little time I have is excruciating. "I have to get ready now. I have two hours until I have to leave."

Rea sighs, "okay, send me a picture after you get ready. Have the best time you can, and text me if you get overwhelmed."

"Don't worry I will."

"Okay, babe. Good luck. My mom says hi also."

I smile, "tell her I said hi."

When I hang up the silence doesn't stay for long because I hear the front door shut and Ann rushing into my room. When she sees me she gasps, "Lily! We have two hours! Your hair isn't even done!"

I put my head in the pillow and groaned, "I'm fully aware."

"Get up bitch!"

"I'm getting up! God!"

I made a deal with her, I'd do my hair if she did my makeup, and she was completely down for that. Which I wasn't as down for as soon as I burnt the hell out of my finger curling my hair, but it got done so.

"Okay, now if you move at all I will fight you to the death. It's my time to shine."

I laugh but comply, keeping myself completely still while she does my makeup for an hour. I think my entire body fell asleep trying to keep still, but it's better than the fury of Ann.

"Okay, go look in the mirror."

When I do I almost gasp. She managed to make my face look flawless, and she applied a dark green liner to my eyes. It makes my eyes look beautiful and it's going to match my dress so well.


I turn to her and she has this smug smirk on her face, but I ignore it because of how well she did.

"I love it! It's gonna look so good with my dress."

"Well duh, that's why I did it."

She smiles and hugs me, making sure to not mess anything up in the process. But soon she's rushing me to get dressed, seeming more stressed than I am."We have thirty minutes! Go get dressed! Now!"

"Okay, mom."

She glares at me, "I'm going to hit you."

I backed away quickly, laughing and raising my hands in surrender. "I'm going! I'm going!"

I think putting on the dress made me a little less worried. I had forgotten how much I loved it since it's been sitting in my closet for a month. It still fits as perfectly as that day, and I was right. My makeup fits it absolutely perfectly.

I walk into the living room and Ann immediately stands up smiling. "You look gorgeous Lily."

I do a spin and laugh, "okay hand me my cap and gown."

It's hung up on the door and Ann quickly grabs it and hands it to me. "Are we ready?"

"Are you?"

"Ask me that later."

She sighs, "okay."

We listened to her playlist on the way to my school. Aaron took his own car and he said he'd meet us there. And Ann said Sebastion is also meeting us there so that's just fantastic.

The parking lots are crowded and it takes us 10 minutes to even find a spot. But when we do Aaron and Sebastion find us and we all walk to the football field together. I think I see so much blue from the gowns I could puke. There are so many people and so many chairs. My anxiety might actually make me explode. Ann puts her hand on my back to soothe me, but it's not working. My skin is on fire and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

But time passes quickly and the next thing I know my principal is doing a speech and they start calling students names. I recognize everyone but my attention is caught when they call Violet's name. She's wearing a purple dress that I saw a glimpse of when her gown swayed in the wind. She smiles at the crowd, and part of me wishes she trips in front of the class.

But she doesn't, she makes it across fine, and I roll my eyes in her direction.

"Lilith Prior."

I hear people clap and I stand up, my hands shaking as I walk to the stage. My principal smiles at me and hands me my diploma with a 'congratulations'. I wave at the crowd and give my best smile, spotting Ann and Sebastion standing up and clapping with all their might. I smile at them, walking down the stairs until my heels hit the grass.

Names are continued to be listed and Aaron is called, he makes it across and blows a kiss at the crowd, he's so annoying.

With a final speech, we are finally allowed to turn the tassel, singling we are officially graduates.

There's a proud feeling in my bones, I know I made it. And I never have to see this hell of a place again.

We all go out for dinner, Sebastian demanding he pays, which we all willingly let him. I look around at the table and it feels like family.

Only one person is missing.


The feminine urge to write a terrible graduating chapter

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The feminine urge to write a terrible graduating chapter.

Remember to drink water and eat something :)

*heat pat*

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