Chapter Thirty Four

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This chapter is dedicated to the first voter of this chapter. You make my day😖😖😖😖

Secondly, we reached fifteen votes in my last chapter in like two days.. I know it's not sooo much but I swear it made my day. Thank you so much!

Lastly, please pray for Nigeria😥😥😥

If you're willing to perhaps call me or connect, I'm finally gonna be dropping my number in the authors note. Chat me up on WhatsApp if you wish!

*Picture of Chantelle above *


"You are such a foolish girl! A prostitute just like your mother! Are you insane? I swear I'll kill you today. Don't come out of that bathroom and you will see exactly what I'm made of! Chantelle!"

Tears stream down nastily from my eyes, landing on the damp towel draped around my bare chest. I've been in the shower for thirty minutes, trying to prevent aunt Tammy from hurting me. She's my aunt and ever since her husband died, all the anger and aggression has been put on me and I feel really horrible about it. It's been a terrible time for me since then.

I sniffle, cleaning my tears with my dampened palms, as they trail down my eyes unstoppably. A stinging headache throbs in my head and it takes only a miracle for me to still stand upright.

My phone lies on the ceramic sink and I stare at it for some seconds before desperately snatching it and scrolling through.

Akum probably hates me....
I ain't calling Waje...
Abim will definitely not pick...
I can't call Matthew... I doubt he still cares...

"Chantelle will you get out of there right now?"

Immediately, I panic once more. I keep scrolling through numbers until I stop at N and stare at it desperately.

Noah Thompson? Would he even answer me?

Without a choice, I immediately dial Noah. He picks after two good calls and from the sounds of it, he's just waking up from sleep. I clean my tears and try to whisper while talking to him.

"Noah?" I call out in a shaky tone that breathes out my desperation.

"Yes? Chantelle?" he asks in a sleepy tone.

"Noah please I need your help desperately. Can you pick me up from home? My aunt is going to kill me today. Noah, please....." I speed talk in fear.

"Em... Calm down. I'm not really getting you here. Talk slowly..." he says and I take in a deep breath before speaking once more.

"Noah... Please... I need your help right now. I'm in... big trouble! My aunt is going to kill me. Please...."

"And why should I believe you?" he asks, probably doubting because of everything that has happened. I mean, I'm sure he thinks I'm a monster already.

"Please Noah. This is not a prank," I assure and silence grows on the line before he sighs audibly to the phone and says,

"Alright. Be there in thirty!"

"Thank you so much Noah. Please be fast," I thank him and hang up immediately to change into my school uniform. My skirt has it adjustments and putting it on seems like I'm off to a strip club or something. I skimpily put it on and pull it down but the farthest it can go is way above my knees. I used to enjoy the attention I grab with my body and over exposed skin but I guess not today.

Not today, with the marks I have, reddened and deepened into my skin. Not today when my makeup will do nothing to hide my scars which is inevitable, due to my aunts current condition. Not today when I can barely stand the look of myself in the mirror and rather, I'd scare hell out of myself. Not today when I don't even have the balls to ask my own friends for help because I've been rather a cunning vicious stranger than even a friend. Not today when I can't even call myself human anymore. Not today when I don't even look..... Human.

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