Chapter Fifty Eight

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Hey, people!

Shout out to Glamour_samuel Thank you so much for the votes on my book. It means so much to me.💞💞💨💨💨 The Bucket Family appreciates you💞💨

We are at 102 votes on Chapter One now and I am so happy! Thank you guys, so much💞💞💞💞💞

Well, my exams are fast approaching and school is reopening and I might not have time to update frequently anymore...

But I'll try😢💞💞

Let's move on with the chapter!

Picture of Noah above💞💞💨💨💨


I walk into the living room and see Mum and Dad on the dinning having dinner and I hiss loudly, dripping water and pulling my wet feet to the stairs. My jacket drips and so does my bag. It feels so sick to still be in these clothes, up till now.

"Hold it right there," Mum says and I look at her but keep moving anyways. I smell one long fight coming on, and it would definitely end up with vodka. Not them, me.

"Akum, am I not talking to you? Are you deaf?" she yells as she walks up to me and I sigh, turning back to her.


"So, you can't give your father and I a proper greeting? It's to sigh? Better learn some manners or you'll get kicked out of this house and I mean it,"

Threats, threats and more threats....

"Sure, Mum! Whatever you say," I roll my eyes and walk up the stairs, leaving her shocked to the bones from the look on her face and I don't give a flying fuck anymore.

How are you?

I stare at the message for about two minutes, wondering what the perfect answer would be. There are millions going through my head, but I don't know where to start.

I'm fine, it's just chaos...


Oh, I'm good. Just having suicidal thoughts...


Don't worry about me. I don't really matter...


I'm okay.

Fourth option seems best so I type away and drop the phone on my dressing table. I get my shoes off and dump it in the empty basket by the side and head into the bathroom. I get my clothes off and have a warm shower, putting on my black nighties afterwards. I pack my hair with a lose rubber band Abim left on my table and grab my phone and air pods, headed to the balcony to receive some fresh air.

I slide the door open and receive the cold refreshing breeze that hits me real hard. I relax on the wooden chair.

You are not okay.

Okay, I'm obviously not and Noah doesn't need to know that. I can handle myself pretty fine.

Yes, I am. No kidding. Had a wonderful evening....

Sounds good enough!

You're lying. You're letting your anger and sadness build up and that's so unhealthy. Let it all out, I'm ready to listen!


And how would you know so much, Noah? You're just assuming things. I'm good.

Not going so well...

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