Chapter Fourteen

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This chapter is dedicated to Annaphil2207
The winner of a mini contest on my message board. Congrats ❤

And, sorry I didn't update quick. Apparently, I have exams to focus on but I managed to squeeze sometime we go!

Akum's POV°~

My secrets are extraordinary,
They are beautiful.

I arrived Abuja back on Saturday night and luckily, mum and dad were out of the country so no one was there to question me unnecessarily especially with that bomb of a party last night.


It is Monday again.

I wake up to the sound of breaking plates and chattering noises. Lazily, I stand up from the bed and settle on the chair to study for the mathematics test Abim told me about.

Too tired to understand anything, I give up and go ahead to take a shower after which I put on my uniform and wear my black trainers, packing up my hair and making some edges.

I know the hairstyle for this week is all back but...rubber duck!

I quickly spray some perfume, grab my bag and run downstairs for breakfast.

"Chinelo, where's the food?" I yell as I settle on the table with my eyes to my phone, concentrated on the gist that was popping in the group chat.

Israel asking Waje for a date...Matthew chiking his girlfriend, Chantelle, on group chat, science students killing themselves for chemistry test....and me reading and laughing until Nonso has to bring up the topic that he's single and everyone starts blasting messages like crazy as if it's the first time they're hearing it. It's been going around since that very night even. Its official -  Nothing can stay confidential in Crimson High.

"Food is ready," I hear a familiar voice and my face looks up sharply as my eyes catches with aunty Zara's. I widen my eyes and gasp in surprise.

"Aunty Zara!" I scream as I run over and launch into a big tight hug.

"You're so heavy. You big baby," she jokes and we chuckle, drifting apart.

"So, when did you arrive?" I ask as we both settle on the table for breakfast as she dishes mine in the plate.

"Last night. I'll be here for a couple of months," she replies with a smile.

"Thank God," I trill and stuff my mouth with fried plantains and eggs.

"Hurry up. You don't want to be late for school. We have a lot of catching up to do when you get back," she informs and I nod in response. "Guess who's dropping you off today!" she beams, waving her car keys in the air.

I scream in excitement and she laughs. Aunty Zara dropping me in school this morning is the best thing that has happened. For a fact, we could do some catching up. Plus, I get to ride in her Electric blue Bugatti.

I can only imagine the stares I'll be getting this morning.

When I am done, I call her and she's already dressed up. We walk out and hop into her shiny todiefor car.

"It's beautiful," I compliment.

"Thank you!" she smiles and turns on the ignition, starting the car and driving off.

"So, what's up with Crimson High?" she asks as we are now on the road.

"Nothing o! Just broke up with Nonso last week and now everyone is disturbing me," I sigh.

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