Chapter Fifty Four

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Hey, guys! New updates🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Thanks to y'all, there are 94 votes for chapter One🏹🏹🏹🏹🔥🔥🔥
Big shout out to everyone there reading Crimson High! Been so busy but squeezed in time for updates. Hope you really enjoy what's to come.

Grab your popcorn and let's ride!🔥🔥

Picture of Akum above


A movie on a Sunday afternoon just got me on the right spot every time... Well, except now that Shade is coming over, says the notification on my Instagram.

I'm quite busy...

Pretty lame text for starters but I'm really not in the mood for visitors, let alone toxic one's like Shade Tamara. Not now, not ever.

Come on, your Mum said I could come!

Well, I don't really have much of a choice, so I put down the phone and focus on the Professor's voice in Money heist.

One of the hardest things to do in this life is try to concentrate when you're very much aware you hurt someone real bad... In my case, it's even worst. She hasn't called, nor texted, and more depressing, she blocked me on every single social media application.

Fucked up is the right word for the situation. Honestly speaking. From the moment she walked away, this stinging, irritating feeling has been bugging hades out of my brain - she's definitely going to break up with you.

I'd call it a siren but it sounds quite louder...

"Noah, can we talk?"

I'm interrupted by the sound of Mum's voice as she pops her head into the door. I'm confused, but then I slowly nod and give way on the bed, tapping it gently and she sits on it with a worried face on.

"Noah, it's George!"

"Oh God!" I mutter under my breath, already tired of the entire conversation that's definitely gonna happen. I've had it with the scenes just on his name and sincerely, his death would be a great achievement in times like these.

"Wait! Listen! He's - George is in prison and I need to bail him out," Mum says in this worked out worried and restless voice as she has her face all squeezed up in anxiousness.

"You are fucking kidding me right now!" I yell out of control, forgetting the fact that I said the F word.


"Sorry," I mumble, scratching my hair while facing the ground. "Forget him, Mum!" I say and turn my face to her, grabbing her cold slim palms in mine and she sighs, turning away. "Mum..." I trail off, calling her attention back. "Please!"

"Noah, you don't understand. George is - "

"Mum, George is nothing! He's an absolute nobody to us!" I tell with straightforwardness, hoping she sees reasons with me.

"Noah!" she yells.

"I'm not lying...." I trail off in my defense and she rolls her eyes, batting her fixed lashes twice and then she curls her lips. I watch her for a moment and she seems so restless to get George back. Why is he so important, anyways?

"Noah, you don't understand a thing yet," she finally says and stands up. "I'm bailing George out of that cell,"

"Is it love?" I ask in frustration and a tear slips down her face, threatening to ruin her heavy beautiful makeup. It cannot be love anymore. I think.... she might be addicted to that bastard.

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