Chapter Sixty

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Heyy, guysssss💕💕💕💕

What's good❤❤

Another chapter... the next one is a bomb and I'm thinking y'all are gonna start hating me.  But I love you too❤❤❤❤

Lets get down to it.

Picture of Waje above.


I pace from one end of the class to the other, restless and having no peace of mind. For some reasons, Jamal has completely decided to cut me off. He isn't answering his calls and neither is he answering all my messages. It's like I'm ghosted out...I've been the one replying all my messages in his DM... the one answering the questions I have in my head for him.

It's becoming tiring.

"What exactly is the problem?" I turn immediately and set my eyes on Mr. Nicholas. He has a little smile on his face and I roll my eyes in relief, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Oh, sir,"

"Nothing," I reply and tuck the phone in my skirt, walking out of the class immediately. I rush downstairs and take a short stroll through Crimson's rose garden and finally end up in the chapel. I stare at it for a moment. It's a building where masses are usually held in Crimson. It's always quiet and peaceful... sort of creeps me out, even.

I don't control my legs anymore but my body just keeps moving forward by some force, somehow, till I see myself inside the bright and beautiful chapel with the blinding lights streaming through my squinted eyes. I stare around, trying to get my view back to mormalcy. It's completelely empty and really quiet. I can literally hear myself breathing out loud.

Slowly, I walk to the altar beautifully plated with gold, womdering how much Crimson would've spent on decor alone, and how Principal Louis probably fell sick on his bank account.

I stare at the crucifix like it is the first time doing so beacause honestly, it is in such a long time. All I see in Jamal's house are Qurans or stacks of books written in Arabic. I fall on my knees almost immediately, tears unconsciously running down my eyes. I can't remember the hast time I actually knelt down to pray... Or even called God into my problems.. I guess all this time I completely forgot he existed... or I wasn't sure he was capable of helping my ass out of the numerous problems.

I just kept running in circles and only now do I remember he actually still exists. Somewhere down my heart. I just need to find him out.

"Lord," I blurt, breaking down in more tears and I can't control it anymore. Only God knows how many thoughts run through my mind per second, or even millisecond.

Chantelle's death...
My relationship with Jamal...
My parents...
Jamal breaking up...
Finding another girl....
Depression ....
Losing everything...
Losing everyone...
Losing myself...

"I can't take it anymore," I say, hyperventilating. "I can't do this," I murmur to myself and run out immediately, tears thundering down my eyes like some water fountain. My vision gets blurred and all I can do is cry at the entrance of the chapel while allowing my thoughts to ruin me.

"What if Jamal is going to break up with... why..."I burst down in tears, slowly squatting and hugging my knees. This is all just too much of drama to swallow at a gulp.

I get a notification from my phone and check it immediately, hoping it'd finally be Jamal answering one of my numerous messages. Instead, it's Imade. My eyes widen as I log into whatsapp to watch the video.

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