Chapter Twenty Eight

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This chapter is dedicated to all my readers. Simply because y'all give me the encouragement I need and it helps a lot.

Thank you all ❤

*Picture of Akum above*


Thursdays are one of my worst days in this life. Not only do I have to dive into that swimming pool, I also have to spend extra hours in school and on top of that, I also have to put up with this attitude Chantelle is putting up. She is pissing me off, big time!

"Time for school!"

I slowly stand up to see Aunty Zara getting a new pair of uniform from my closet and placing it on my bed with a gentle smile across her lips.

"You know..." I start, yawning and stretching loudly. "You don't actually have to do that!" I continue and stand up to my feet, getting my bag arranged.

It shocks me to the bones that I actually stood up from that bed. This Abuja weather that is doing love nwantiti for couples. Normal me would snuggle up my duvet till I see that I am unsparingly late, before I stand up.

"It's the least I could do," she replies and grabs my pair of flats, her smile still dancing around her lips. I notice she's all dressed up and she's probably having a meeting this morning, so I don't bother to ask why.

"For what?" I ask, confused.

"Helping me with the wedding, of course. And.... We have lots and tons of work to do. I'll be picking you up today after school," she zips my bag and grabs my towel, handing it to me.

"Pick me up?"

"Yeah. We have to go to Emerald park and then, the school around the cathedral and then, Tori's hall of events. We have a long day!" she smiles, wrapping up he'd speech.

"Okay. Let's say I help you.... What's in it for me?" I ask, with a suspecting loo on my face.

"Well, let's see. What about.... Being the best aunt in the world?" she asks with a chuckle.

"Hmmm.... Sounds good to me!" I say and we laugh loudly.

I think she already is.

Aunt Zara leaves and I prepare for another terrible horrible no good very bad day in Crimson High. After that, I run downstairs, have breakfast and hurry off to school.

When I arrive, I notice no one's around the assembly ground and from my watch, it's supposed to be assembly time. From all the noise down in the second building, I figure they're probably having a joint assembly and they probably have am important announcement.

I start my journey, cursing the fact I have to climb five floors just for an assembly that will barely benefit my life in any way.

When I get to the second floor, I notice someone familiar on one of the stools. Nobody else in Crimson High has hair like something a cow licked. Anything that perfect will definitely be... You know it! Noah.

Gently, I walk over to him as he bends his head and supports it with is hands, his face to the floor. I'd say he's trying to escape the punishment for late coming but... Nobody is that stupid to hide in the open.

"Noah?" I call out as I stand just in front of him, the bright lights shinning vigorously on his super attractive hair.

He raises his head up and stares at me for a while before breaking into a smile I can obviously see is fake. What's Noah trying to hide this time?

"You don't have to smile if you don't want to," I say sternly, still staring at him.

He looks down once again and I sigh, gripping my bag tighter. I roll my eyes.

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