Author's Note

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Hey, dear readers! Bucket fans!!

What is up!

Well, I haven't updated in what seems like forever but isn't even up to a month... Oh well🙃🙃

But I guess I'm back.

Please vote each chapter and comment!

I recently sallowed my pride and joined Twitter and God! It's so easy to gain followers.. Now I feel the app is... You know...😑😑

Anyhoo..... Who watched the headies awards?....Even if absolutely no one would comment....I kinda did!

Wizkid is just a Living Legend tho..

Back to Crimson High....

So many ideas rushing through my brain and now my original seems fake😂😂
Although imma be done with that book. I literally love it, even though rereading it, some parts make me cringe🙃🙃😂

Yeah, well. Beautiful love stories and dear Author is still single😂😂😂

That's all for now... Have a beautiful night and please, stay safe!

If you find any passport or plain ticket to Canada on the floor, please, it's mine😂😂
I lost it recently😌😂

Enough talking... Gotta run now!

See ya!🙃🙃❤❤❤

Much Love, Pauly_Queen💞💞💞💞

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