Holy Macaroni

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"Well?" I say. He doesn't meet my eye. "You do." I whisper.

"I can control emotions. I do love you. I really do. It's just you probably don't..." he looks upset. He closes his eyes, a tear escapes. What is he doing?

All of a sudden, a dam bursts in my mind. The last few years of us, of Chad and I, the emotions drain from those moments. The moments when I was at my happiest slip away. I clump of emotions force their way into those moments. Happy turn to disgust. Bliss turns to anger.

"What did you do?"

"I took away whenever I forced an emotion on you. How do you feel about me right now?"

"Confused in all honesty. Very confused but I'm thankful that you did what you knew was right." I smile. I am confused but he told me the truth.

"I do love you Lilia but I have my orders." he smiles sadly, pulling a gun from his pocket.

Something flashes. It hurts. The pain is deep. I 'loved' this man for years but he can just whip out a gun and kill me? I'm wounded. I trusted him with my darkest secrets, with my deepest fears, with my delicate moments. After all of that, he's just gonna kill me.

With a bright light, blood splatters. but I'm not in pain. I look up cautiously, not knowing what to expect. Five, a gorgeous smirk spread across his face, holds a bloodied knife as it rips through my now ex-boyfriend.

"What the hell, Five?"

"What? He was controlling you. He deserved it." he says, not a care in the world. What did I expect? To be honest, more gore but I guess this is good enough. Five leaves Chad where he died and drags me to an unknown location. It's a huge room, lined with gold tubes.

A woman is there talking to Gloria. The elder peers at the tube in her hand as Five spacial jumps and knocks her out.

"Five! That was unnecessary. She was a lovely woman." I tell the boy off, reluctantly dragging her body out of the way. I'm not exactly weak but it takes a while. By the time I'm done, Five is already off doing something else.

"You're a great disappointment to me. You can't change what's to come, Five. I truly find it so odd that you can't shed this fantasy. You're a first-rate pragmatist." the blonde ass is saying to Five.

"And you are a first-rate a-hole," I reply, interrupting whatever point she's trying to make. She glares over her shoulder and fives tries to stifle a laugh.

"You belong here with us." she sounds irritated.

"I don't belong anywhere thanks to you." my heart breaks for my little brother. He still doesn't feel like he belongs with me-us. "You made me a killer."

"You were always a killer. I just pointed you in a direction." the handler reaches under her skirt. She pulls out a gun! Shit. Bang! Five.

She turns to me, her gun aimed at my head. "Don't you dare." Five turns the corner and pulls me away from the gun's nose. A siren raises. My heart is thunder and my breath is lightning. I'm scared for my life. That's rare.

I've been in these sorts of situations before but this time is different. I could die and no one but Five would know. He couldn't get me home in time. I would die in the arms of my first, and technically only, love.

I curl up in the corner like the wimp I am. I hear bangs from her gun and Five's delicate, harsh breath.

"What's the rush Five?" the handler says. Her voice is sweet but unforgiving. "We're just getting started." bang. Bang. Every shot moves through my body. "Is this really how you want the last line on your report to read?" I'm scared for both mine and fives life. I'm scared. A whimper escapes my lips causing bullets to head my way.

Five appears next to me, concern carves his face. Maybe he does care.

"You okay?" he whispers, taking my shaking hands in his. I nod. "It's okay just get out of here, 'kay" I nod and pull myself up.

"When I'm done, I'm done I guess." he sighs. The

"You can't keep this up Five. We both know you have a limit. I saved you from a lifetime of being alone." Five didn't tell me what he's doing. He just told me to get out of here. Where do I go? I click my finger as quietly as I can. Nothing happens. "You owe me." Click-click. It didn't work. Why isn't it working?

"I do owe a debt." Five says, his voice laced with anger. I run out, Trying to let him know I'm still here. "But it's not to you." I see five throwing a bomb in the handler's direction. The bomb rolls to me.

Everything slows. My heart hammers in my chest. I can see Five's lips moving but I can't hear a thing. Tears stream down my face. I can't think. I close my eyes and wait for my death.

It doesn't happen. I open my eyes. Five looks down at me, his eyes showing concern. I smile as an explosion goes off. Something happens, it's not the same usual space jumping. It feels worse.

Next thing I know, both of us, and a suitcase, are laying on the bar in our childhood home.

"You guys, am I still high or do you see them, too?" Klaus isn't sounding too good. I groan, pulling myself up.

"Five, Lilia where have you been?" both Five and I fall down.

"Are you alright?" Alli says grabbing me, while Luther rushes for Five. I smile, picking myself up again.

Five chugs a cup of coffee before turning to me. "What the hell was that? You could have died! Do you have a death wish?" he yells. I immediately flinch.

"I'm sorry," I say, fearfully. "My powers stopped and how was I supposed to know you were throwing a bomb at her," I growl. He almost killed me. Why is he blaming me?

Five sighs. "I did tell you to go. But it's whatever. You scared me half to death appearing like that though." the small boy leans up and wipes my tears away. I smile softly.

"I scared you? I got a grenade thrown at me." I give him a look saying try-me-bitch.

"So the apocalypse is in 3 days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us." Five starts.

"The Umbrella Academy," Luther says, interrupting the young one.

"Yeah, but with me, obviously. so if you'll don't get your Sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if Dad messed up? Are we going to let that define us? No. And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead." I look at the boy, confused as heck. What does he mean? Five pulls a paper from his jacket.

"So that's what you were doing while I dragged Gloria's body from sight," I mutter. The family looks at me. "She wasn't dead, just unconscious." they look ever more concerned.

"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"


sorry for the long leave that I've seemingly gone through. I don't mean to but there are some complications that I cba to go through. As you can see I'm so close yet so far from the end of season 1. I'm already considering a sequel. do you want one? would you read it?

I'll shout out the best comment here!

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