I Want Answers

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"What's the date? The exact date." Five wanders over to the bread. After Five had jumped through the portal, all of us followed him into the kitchen. I stay at the sit on a chair, trying not to show the pain I am in just watching him. He grabs the bread and looks it over.

"The 24th" Vanya answers his question. I don't want to be so mean but I have a huge thing against her. The whole thing with Five really put a gap between us. We got in a huge fight a few weeks previous to Five asking me out. 

"Of what"


Luther enters the conversation with an actual point, "So, are we gonna talk about what happened?" for once he has an actual point. Five just ignores him, getting out the pieces, "It's been 17 years," he stands up, slightly agitated.

"Actually, it's been 16 years, four months and 14 days," I mumble. I thought no one heard me but everyone looks at me. I glance at Five. He looks at me with an unfamiliar stare. His eyes have gone cold. They look so old.

He looks back down at his bread, "It's been a lot longer than that." without missing a beat the young boy space-jumps to the marshmallows. 

"Where did you go?" Diego puts in. 

"The future. It's shit by the way." now we're all bloody inspired. 

"Called it." Klaus yells out, earning a don't-you-even-start look from myself. 

Five sighs, "I should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing. Jumping through time is a toss of the dice." He glances up. Ignoring my very existence, he comments, "Nice dress."

"Oh well danke!"

"How did you get back?" vanya questions.

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." that makes me take a double take. What is he on about? 

As if he is reading my mind, Diego asks a question, "That makes no sense,"

"Well it would if you were smarter." damn that is one sassy kid. Somehow he has gotten sassier than before. Luther puts an arm to stop Diego killing the kid.

"How long were you there?"

"Forty-five years. Give or take" well I take back what I said. He is old. Five is an old man. He is older than all of us but still looks like a teenager. If I can do my maths correctly...

"You're fifty-eight?" I gasp, trying to wrap my head around all of this. 

"Not quite, my consciousness is 58." he sighs, looking down at himself, "Apparently, my body is now 13 again. Dolores kept saying the equations were off. Bet she's laughing now." I go frigid at the thought of another woman with him. I'm in love with Chad not Five. Why am I like this?

"Dolores?" I say with slight aggravation. 

He ignores me, picking up a newspaper, "Guess I missed the funeral." he scans the newspaper.

"How'd you know about that?" oh my god. I roll my eyes. He was in the future. 

Five reads my mind, "What part of the future do you not understand? Heart failure, huh?"

"Yeah-" "-no"

"Nice to see nothing's changed." Five sighs and walks out the room.

"Is that it? Is that all you have to say?" I raise my voice. Why am I this angry? I guess it might be that I haven't seen him, my childhood crush and boyfriend, for years and now he just waltzes in here acting oh so high and mighty, just to leave again. 

"What else is there to say?" He answers, "The circle of life." I listen to his footsteps fade away. He didn't even put anything away. I want to scream. He makes me want to scream. I shove the chair from the table and begin putting everything away. My other siblings don't do a thing. They watch me as I chuck the bread back. 

"Hey, you okay?" Vanya's sweet little voice appears. Her act doesn't fool me. 

I turn with a sickly sweet smile, "I'm fine." yeah, apart from the fact that Five has almost risen from the dead and now I have to sort that out. 

"Lilia!" Five's voice yells down the stairs. I shake my head. I am not going to see him. I'm just not ready to talk to him properly. He calls for me again.

"Fine," I complain aloud, "I'm coming" I huff again before trudging out of the kitchen. Five is in his room, a frown playing on his face. In each hand he holds one end of a tie. 

"Could you?" he says without looking up. Shaking my head, I tie the tie.

"After all these years," I chuckle quietly, "you still can't tie your own tie."  It's unbelievable. Honestly, He should've learnt by now. 

"I can, I just wanted to talk to you alone." He says just as I finish. Is he serious? He left me and now he wants to talk? No. I refuse. 

"I'm not in the mood to talk," I pat down my top and turn to go.

"I am," Five says, grabbing my wrist. Why can't he just let me go? He left me all those years ago then returns and expects me to talk. 

"You have been gone for years. I told you not to leave but you left. You left me here alone. I loved you and you were gone. Can you see why I don't want to talk?" my voice raised, tears form in my eyes. 

"I tried coming back. Believe me I did."

"There's always lie in believe," my glum voice dissipates. I look to the ground, not wanting to look at him. I want to believe him but as I said, there's a lie believe. I pull my arm away from him and walk to the door, "I'm just not ready to talk to you yet."

"See you later, Times," 

"Goodbye, Five."

Envy // Five x ocWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt