Birthday Surprises

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Our birthday has finally arrived! This year mum has made a cake for us to share. It's a pretty special occasion. Turning thirteen I mean. Mum brings it out of the oven. We sing happy birthday but it's almost silent. If dad heard us then he would storm in saying we disturbed him. He doesn't care about us enough to even day happy birthday. I don't think he even knows it's our birthday.

After eating the cake we swap gifts. I always buy gifts for everyone. The others don't get the worst gifts let's say. I guess I just pay more attention to who wants what.

Luther gives out his gifts first. He gets me and Vanya a set of earrings each. He also got Allison a pair of earrings but hers were pearls. Diego gets everyone a black hoodie. Everyone but Luther of course. Allison gets Luther a rower thing. She gets me and Vanya gorgeous little bracelets. It has our names on them and Allison's in the middle. Klaus being himself, got nothing. Five weirdly asked to go last. Ben got the boys jumpers and us girls a dress each. How did he know our sizes? 

We Immediately go to put them on. After getting changed I look in the mirror. My dress is super short. Not really the style I would go for but it looks good. Red hot rocks define the top of the dress. Magma flows in a band around my shoulders. The beauty of the dress is too much for me. I shouldn't be anywhere near this dress. The so-called skirt barely hits my thighs I hope my ass isn't on show. It had seemed larger at the back when Ben held them up.

I step through the door to find I was the first finished. The boys are standing in a tight circle. At a guess I would say they are talking about us. Either that or pranking one of us. I cough lightly to get their attention. They turn and all jaws drop. They all look flabbergasted. I feel the familiar heat form in my cheeks. As if I have been programmed to do it, I find Fives eyes first. He has this look in his eyes. It wraps me up in a warm hug. Then I notice it. He's not looking at me anymore. There's something new in his eyes but it's not for me.

"What do you think?" Vanya says from behind me. My heart shatters. A hundred little pieces scatter along the floor. Why does love hurt so much. I hate it. She has all of his attention and it's not fair!

"It's beautiful." he smiles. That smile should be mine. He should be smiling at me. Not her. I hate her. I hate my feelings. I hate that I feel this way. Why can't he look at me like that? I look at him the way he looks Vanya. With love and admiration. With the kindness I've always dreamt of. With a kind of magic feeling like you don't see anyone else. Like it's just you and them. I won't get that from Five though. He doesn't show his emotions.

"Times, smile. You look lovely." Five is now looking at me. That way he looked at Vanya had disappeared. I must have been imagining it but I swear I saw something twinkle in his eyes. I hear a cough. A cough that frightens me to my core. Dad's here.

"Number three, number seven, Number eight. What are you doing?" dad rumbles at us. We all look to the ground, not wanting to talk. Dad scares all of us at times. The fact that I'm wearing a short dress does not help. Dad is going to kill all of us.

"I heard a rumour," Allison starts, "that you went back to your office and forgot about this," what surprises me most is that dad didn't stop her. Dad is the kind of person that would stop Allison when she says that. 

"Vanya, I think it's your turn for presents." Luther speaks up.

"Yeah you're right." she replies. Vanya grabs her bag off the side. Out of it she pulls jackets. Leather jackets with names embroider on the back. All out nicknames on the back. She actually got me one! I'm amazed by it. I thought she hated me. I guess not. Lucky I got her a present. Otherwise I would be in trouble. I get my presents.

"They aren't great but it's something at least." I ramble, taking out each present and passing them around. Luther starts using them after having a staring completion with them. Diego just looks amazed with his new toys. Allison put on the necklace immediately. Klaus loved the designer bottle opener. Ben pulls on his hoodie. Vanya put on the bracelet reluctantly. It is only Five's present left.

Last week I went to a special jewellery shop and bought him a beautiful bracelet. I'm sure that he will like it even though it is jewellery. Jewellery is aimed at women but there's men's jewellery. It's a silver one with a five in the middle. Hopefully he likes it.

I take out the box and shove it towards him, blushing immensely. I don't want to look but I do at the same time. I want to see how he reacts but if its a bad reaction I don't want to see. He takes it from my hand and opens it. Everyone leans over his shoulder with huge smiles. Five looks startled but a grin forms. His eyes dart between me and the bracelet. What is he thinking? Is he thing about me?

"It's beautiful, Lilia" he stumbles, shyly. I mumble a thanks in response. He slides it over his hand. He watches it as if when he looks away, it'll run away.

"What about you, Five? Where's our presents?" Vanya interrupts. Oh my dear lord. Can she leave him alone for once?!

"I have them," he says calmly. He dissapears for a second but returns with all our gifts. He places them on the table. The boys and Allison get a twenty pound note each. Five grabs two boxes both too large to be rings. He passes Vanya the blue one. Five immediately turns to me and pushes the black one into my hands.

It's small but nor ring box sized small. The outside is kind of fluffy, you know the sort. I open it carefully. Inside is the most dazzling necklace I've ever seen.

It's a heart. A silver heart. Diamonds have beed sprinkled along the edge and the middle has been filled with pink glass. I recognise it from somewhere. Holy mother of God.

"Is this the one that I saw in the wimdow down the street?" I ask, tears beginning to prick at my eyes.

He nods his head, "yes, is that okay? I can go back and change it if you don't like it-" I wrap him in a hug before he can finish.

"I love it, Five," tears drop down my face. I hope my tears don't absolutely soak him.

"Why are you crying?" he questions. I don't have a response.

I wipe my eyes, "no reason." I stand up. Handing him the necklace, I lift my hair up. We stand like that for a few moments before Five manages to put on my necklace. It's a simple thing but it sets my heart on fire.

"Thanks," I smile. He smiles in response. It makes me smile more. I love that boy sometimes.

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