I Hate This Boy

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I wake up about midday. I trudge downstairs and get a summary from my brother. To sum up; two people shot up our house, Mom is dead, Klaus is missing (noone but I have noticed it so far), Five is somewhere and Luther has shown his true self.

I go out for a walk. I need to think. I walk for at least an hour. I feel a presence behind me. Watching me. Taunting me. A car pulls up beside me. I glance in to see Five and that eye maker guy. What is he up to now?

"Get in." Five demands, rolling down the window. I hesitate for a second before placing myself next to an adorable puppydog. The dog sits on my lap as I stroke it.

"what's their name?" I question. I can hear Five rolling his eyes but dogs are just yes.

"Her name is Nakupenda." Lance smiles.

"Do you want her?" Five questions. Do I want her? She's adorable. Of course I want her. She's not mine though..... I can't. "She's yours now. I say it is so no fighting it." aww. He's sweet in a maniacle way. Nakupenda. What a sweet name. I wonder where its from.

We arrive at some large building. It's burning. Five grabs me and pulls me with him. I don't like this feeling. My gut is telling me to go before it's too late. I put my dog down and wait for whatever tradegy to happen.

Then it does.

Fire pounds down the door and blasts me back. I fall and knock my head on the concrete. Ow. Fuck that hurts. Nakupenda!

I pull myself up and look around for the dog. She's behind me, somehow perfectly fine. I call her and she comes. The small dog sits on my lap. I cradle her, slightly scared myself. Five is staring towards the building, a look of dispare plastered on his face.

The sound of sirens snaps him out of his sad trance. He races to pull me up from the ground. With me in tow, he rushes to a library.

"Five, why are we here?" I questions as he pulls a bottle out.

"Well my one good lead has blown up, literally. What could be better than a drink?" he opens it and takes a swig. I reach to swipe it away but he pulls it away from my reach.

"I swear to god number Five. I will kill your little ass if I don't get that drink." I pleade and/or threaten. He smiles cheekily and passes it over. I take a swig before sitting at a table.

"No. Not here, we can get caught. Do you want to be arrested?" Five whispers harshly.

"Fine." I pull myself to the back of a shelf. Where noone can see us.

One bottle of alch-e-hol later. I'm more drunkerer as a stink rat. Five stands on the table and poses like he's making a speech.

"Liliaaaa, my princess in shiny shoes, would you care for a dance?" it's a demand. I pull him from the table and we waltz. He steps on my foot and we erupt in a fit of laughter. I collapse into a corner and Five falls next to me. He starts telling me how the world is ending. I listen, kinda scared. My world is going bye bye...

"Ya know. I'm slepy. Nighty nighty." I kiss the boys forehead. He leans back onto me, an arm draped around his beloved mannequin. Stupid Dolores I think. We both drift into a deep and wonderful sleep.


"I drank that whole bottle didn't I?" Five's voice pulls me out of my slumber.

"No I had more than half. You are just weak." I call out, over a shoulder. I look up, Diego is carrying me. I shuffle in his arms and notice Five in Luther's arms.

He sticks his tongue out at me. "Am not!"

"Are too"

"Am not weak. Not at... All!" he trails before finding the right word.

"Whatever." I stick my tongue out at him. "Why did you have that drink?"

"Because that's what you do when when the world you love goes bye bye-" I giggle.

"Bye bye worldy-"

"Poof its gone. What were you guys talking about?"

Luther sighs, "Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night."

"They came looking for you." Diego states angrily. Sheesh. Someone's grouchy. "So you need to focus. What do they want?"

"Hazel and Cha-Cha"

"Who?" Diego and I question in sync. I smile at him but he ignores me. 

"You know I hate code names. Who are they?" Luther says prompting him.

"The best of the best except for me of course."

I look over Diego's shoulder and stick my tongue out at the child. "Big headed prick." I mumble.

"Dolores always said she hated when I drink. She said it made me surly." he giggles. He is always going on about Dolores. She is a mannequin but I'm a real person. Why does he always find someone else before me. First Vanya now this mannequin.

"Noone cares about that stupid mannequin. She is plastic. Get over her." the jealousy takes over. Five growls. Shit. I shouldn't have said that....

"Are you serious?! She has been there for me when you weren't."

"I told you not to go. I begged you not to. You left me! I love you but you left me." I stop. I can't breath. I can't believe I just said that to him.

"You-You love me?" his voice cracks. I cower in Diego's arms. "Well? Do you?" he says, getting angry. My arms wrap around around Diego's neck, head buried. He tightens his grip and turns to the boy.

"I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want?" Five says nothing, just smiles at me. A sweet but awfully conniving smile. After a moment of silence Diego continues. "We just wanna protect you."

"Protect me?" the young/old man laughs. "I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea of how many people I've killed? I'm the Four frickin' Horsemen!"

"You fucking wish." I mumble. Diego struggles to hold back a giggle so I elbow his side.

"The apocalypse is coming." Five vomits over Luther's shoulder. God I hate him!

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