That's How You Buy Knives

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I speed up time until dinner. It isn't interesting at all. I sit next to dad and eat my dinner in complete silence. Everything is normal. I always sit next to dad. He made me. I want to sit with Five but no. I have to sit with dad and watch Five and Vanya glancing at each other and blushing. I look down at my meal. It's my favourite but I can't ignore the jealousy rising up in me. It's always the same but I can ward the feeling off.

After dinner I go to my room and speed up time again. Several hours later and mum came up to me ready for bed. I hastily got changed into my pyjamas and tie my blonde hair back into a messy bun. Mum checks on me again before leaving me to fall asleep. I slip into bed and speed up time.

I stop when my clock shows 10:00. Right on time, Five walks in.

"Ready?" He asks. I jump up and pull on a jacket. Fives already has his jacket on.

"I am now," I laugh, trying to be quiet and somehow being successful. Five slips his hand around my waist and teleport us. Everything is black for a split second before we reappear. We're in an alley. Its tiny. Where are we? 

Bins line the alley like soldiers waiting for war. The darkness crowds around our small frames. Two green eyes watch me as I step towards the light. It follows as I step out into the street. I am standing opposite the academy. It stands tall. Looming over the street like a general of war. The shops are lined up soldiers.

"Where's the shop?" I question. He smirks. Can he stop that! Five takes my arm and drags me into the shops next to us.

It's beautiful. Metal works surround us. Knives and frames and all sorts of majestic figures. The only person in the shop is a young-ish looking woman.

"Hello, how can I help you?" she's skeptical. To be honest, if two kids came into a metal shop with a knife drawing in their hands then you would be. I walk up to the counter and place my picture on top.

"Can I have this made as a set please?" I ask quietly. She registers my request with a disgruntled look.

"Oh, of course," her eyes are wide and her lips pursed, "when by?" I think for a minute. When do I want it done by? Before our birthday but not too soon. I'll have to find a place to hide it.

"How quickly can you get them made?" 

"The earliest will be tomorrow afternoon."

"I'll come by at 10 tomorrow night then, bye!" I say happily, leaving the shop. The cold wind hits my peachy cheeks. The early September air numbs my fingertips. I'm barely out of the shop when Five teleports us back to his room. No one's here luckily.

"I guess I'll need to get going," I huff. I want to spend more time with him. Its not fair that we only half 30 minutes of free time per week.

"Tu rigole!" he exclaims dramatically, trying to be quiet still. I'm dumbstruck. He really annoys me.

I punch his arm playfully, "you know I don't Know French!" Five nudges me back and we end up falling onto his bed in a play fight. I'm laughing as quietly as I can. He has each hand either side of my head. My heart flutters at the sight of him so close. 

"You know, you could stay or..." he teases, licking his lips, "you can go."

"Well. I think I should stay but I need to go, don't I?" I challenge. He laughs and relaxes himself next to me. His bed lowers under his weight. He's laying next to me. We talk for hours.


I wake up on a body. Shit. We fell asleep while talking. Why??? Why does it have to be me? I have so much hope that no-one is at the doorway. I don't want to move, Five looks so cute asleep. I wonder if I'm as adorable when I sleep. If I move, I'll disturb him. If I disturb him, we might make a racket. If we make a racket, the others will see this and make fun of us. I'm over thinking now.

A few minutes pass and nothing happens so I get up. Naturally, instead of getting up, I lift myself up but slip and fall back onto him. 

"Ugh." Five grunts. He looks at me, seemingly startled by my trip, "I guess we fell asleep, huh"

"Yeah, I guess we did." we chuckle together. Then something crosses both of our minds. In unison our heads flick to the clock. 


Holy shit.

We have 12 minutes to get ready for the day and be downstairs for breakfast. We make eye contact just as I click my fingers. Time freezes everyone but me. I run across the hall and all the way to my room. I take my time to get changed. I control time. I can take how long I want.

With a click of my fingers, time continues again. I hope Five gets ready in time. I walk down towards the line that my siblings have formed. I get in the back behind Vanya,

We always have lined up like this. Dad used to come through and make sure we were in line but now we just do it. I guess it's become an instinct to be good to dad.

Five comes rushing down just dad turns the corner.

He calls us down, "children, hurry now, I have an assignment for you." now we are all confused. First off, why is dad actually paying attention to us. Secondly what was this assignment.

We all sit in our usual breakfast places. It's a slightly different arrangement to dinner. I'm in the same space with Five to my side. Opposite me it goes Allison, Luther, Klaus, Ben and Diego sits at the head. Vanya tends to sit next to Five on his other side.

Dad looks us all over once and with a single sentence we are all excited, "Children, after breakfast you need to stop a robbery."

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now