Okay Then

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"Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." Five is getting angry with the guy and if I'm honest so am I. And if I'm even more honest, he is so hot when- no. He is not. no. No. NO.

"Well, that's not my problem." the guy, who I've already forgotten the name of, clasps his hands together. He has really gotten under my skin, "Sorry. Now, there's really nothing more I can do, so-"

"And what about my consent?" Klaus interrupts. He better not mess this up, whatever he's about to do. "Who gave you permission-" his voice starts to fake sadness, "-to lay your hands on my son and my wife?" 

"I didn't touch your son, or your wife for that matter. "

"Well, how did he get that swollen lip, then?" he punches Five square in the lip, "and how did she get that hand on her cheek?" I get the hint and slap myself.

The guy giggles nervously, "You're crazy." he goes to pick up the phone but Klaus steals it away. He shoves a snow globe to his head and yells into the phone.

"There's been an assault, in Mr. Bugs office, we need security, now. Schnell!" he slams down the phone, leaning on the table. "Here's what's gonna happen Grant."

"It's lance."

"That's great, I'm sure Keith misses you," I sigh talking over, "In, I would say 60 seconds, a couple guards are gonna come to see blood everywhere. They'll want to know what happened. We will say that you beat the shit out of us." I smirk, checking on the boys. They both look smugly at me.

"Jesus, you people are sick." Lance exclaims fearfully. The man hastily goes through his files to find out that this has been useless and it hasn't been made yet. I sigh, angered. I got dragged all the way out here for no reason.

We head out and the boys bicker. All I can think about is Five. He just used me. I don't know why. If I had said no he would've stabbed Chad. I can feel a presence next to me. He is there. 

"You know, I've just realised why you're so uptight." Klaus wanders over and sits the other side of me. "You must be horny as hell!" he laughs. My nose scrunches up at the thought. I don't want to think about that. Nope. Ewwwww. 

I look at Klaus with a look of disgust. "I don't want to think of that, Klaus." I stare forward and shiver.

he ignores me.

"All those years by yourself. That's gotta screw with your head, being alone." he continues without caring for the creature that is me. I'm an attention slut and I need some attention. 

"I wasn't alone." Five states. 

"Dolores?" I question, remembering yesterdays conversation. My hands scrunch in jealousy. And here I thought I was over the boy. 

"Yep," he replies sadly. he sighs, "we were together for over 30 years." he must've loved her. Klaus chuckles in awe. The young boy looks down and my heart breaks for him. I pull him to me and rub his back. I close my eyes, hugging him. 

"Just keep driving." Five says. We weren't driving anywhere? I feel the ground below me. It's cushion-y. 

"I am going to kill you in your sleep." I put on a smile and open my eyes. I'm in a taxi. Just great. 

Five smiles at me, "We need to talk about Chad."

"No. You are going to listen to me. We are going to take you to the house; you are going to think about what you did; remember that I have someone important to me; that you almost killed them; and I am going to look after my self." I lean forward, giving the driver the address. When I sit back in my seat, the window is more interesting than my brother.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"



sorry this is short but I've been busy with school and helping my mum with stuff. The updates from now won't be that frequent but I will try


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