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We need to find whoever the hell Harold Jenkins is and kill the bastard. Hopefully in 3 days. This is gonna end in shit. I don’t need to skip time to know that. I’ve driven us - me, Five, Diego and Allicat - to the station. Diego had a fit when Five got shotgun instead of him. I just laughed with Allison as he grumped in the back.

I park outside the station and Diego starts spouting his usual nonsense. “I know this Jenkins guy has to have a record. We gotta get our hands on that file.”

“And what exactly are you planning on doing?” I giggle, watching him glare in the mirror, “Just ask for it?”

“I know the-”

“-Whole station like the back of your hand, I know, I’ve spent half my life getting you out of this place.” I shake my head, laughing.

“Whatever,” he chuckles, “here’s the plan.”

Five turns in his seat. “Plan? I’m just gonna blink in and get the file.”

“No, that’s not…” Diego shakes his head. “You don’t know the ins and outs of this palace.

“I literally just did this yesterday.”Five says in protest, “My yesterday, not your yesterday. It’ll take me two seconds.” the boys argue as Alli and I zone out.


I stand, leaning against the wall with Five, while Allison calls Vanya. Diego walks up to us with the file and Allison snatches it.

“Holy shit.” She gasps. “Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody.”


After coming to the realisation that Vanya is going out with a maniac,  Diego drives us to his house.

“Be careful. We don’t know what Peabody’s capable of.” Allison warns pointlessly. I know that I can get out of most situations by freezing time, Diego doesn’t know when to stop and Five has a god complex going on.

“He didn’t seem dangerous when I first saw him. Looked kinda scrawny.”

“Well so are most serial killers and mass murderers I mean look at him.” I gesture to Five. He smiles and says thanks. Allison sneaks off behind as Diego starts jabbering on.

"So, what's this guy want with Vanya?"

"I don't know." Five's maniacal smirks slides onto his lips. "How 'bout we ask after we kill him?"

"Whoa, whoa. Hey, look, I'm gonna burst through-" Diego sighs as he notices Allison's disappearance. "You know what? It would be nice people just to-" Five blinks away. "The plan" I giggle and raise a hand to click. "Don't you-"

I click my fingers and silently open the door and shut it behind me. I click again. Just as I turn to let Diego in, he jumps through the window. He lands with a crash, glass splattering.

Five and allison appear either side of me.


"You know the door was unlocked." I giggle at Five.

"Yeah, well, my way works just fine." Diego huffs in denial. "Spread out. Yell if, you know, you're in trouble." he sighs and limps off to the next room.

"Now, we're all bloody inspired." I sigh. Five takes my hand and marches me to the living room. It's pretty grim and not my style. I wouldn't live here for a million dollars.

"Guys you need to see this." allison yells from upstairs. I grab Five and run. She's in the attack with a lot of memorabilia. I'm still not used to seeing my face plastered on every inch of any walls.

"This is a bit creepy.” I say.

"Yeah, all our faces are burnt off." allison points out. I don't like it. Something is bad. Really bad. There's something bigger, worse going on now. I'm not sure I want to know really.

"Like Lilia said, creepy." Diego says.
"this was never about Vanya." Allison states out of the blue. "This was about us." I look to Five as he falls to the floor.

"Five. Shit." I gasp. Five groans on the floor as we gather around him. Allison and Diego find a bullet wound in his stomach as I pull him close.

"Five, you idiot! You should've said something." I complain, shaking my head. He grabs one of my hands.

"You have to keep going. So… Close…." his voice drifts away with his consciousness. Five, you are so stupid.

"Five." my hands go to his face. Cupping his cheeks. "Don't you dare die on me. I swear if you die I will kill you." redundant. I know. But what can I do. Five is dying and I can't do anything to stop him.

I click and I click, hoping that will help in any way. It doesn't. It doesn't even freeze anything. I'm useless. Totally and completely useless.

Diego puts his hand on my shoulder but nothing computes. Everything from then is a blur. My feelings go cold. My emotions have switched off. Five is going to die and I'm useless.
Nothing registers until mom takes him and starts fixing him. Mom. She's alive. That's good.

I sit, with Dolores, on a chair next to him. Alli cat and Diego walk up behind me.

"There's no answer at Vanya's place." allison says. "And the receptionist at her music school said she was a no-show for her lessons today." that’s odd. I knew Vanya loved her music. The two go quiet before muttering in the hall.

“Lilia, you coming? We’re gonna see something that might help with Harold Jenkins.” Diego yells from the stairs. I should. I know I should but I don’t want to leave Five.

“Imma stay here. Look after him.” the two smile. I blush lightly at the knowing grins. Turning around, I hide my face from view.

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now