New Plan

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Sorry for late upload and the dialogue heavy chapter 


Eventually the whole group gathers in the superstar.

"Look, I hate to be the one to say this," Luther says. I roll my eyes. "but everyone needs to prepare."

"For what?" Diego responds.

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya. I-" he goes to defend himself but Allison slaps him with her notepad. "We may not have a choice, Allison."

"Bullshit. There's always options."

"Yeah, like what?" Five says.

Diego sits in silence before answering, "I don't know."

"Look," Luther interrupts, "whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast. She could be anywhere." he stands. I look over Klaus's shoulder to the paper he is reading. He turns the page and I notice an ad for a concert tonight. Vanya is playing tonight.

"Or here..." I point at the age picture of our sister.

"That's right. Her concert is tonight." diego mutters as everyone gathers around the paper.

"Hello," a lady in a blue work outfit has walked to us with a nervous look about her. "I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave." she shrugs, letting her hands slap her thighs. She walks away. Just past the girl was her boss, slamming a pair of shoes on the counter-top. Sighing angrily, Luther chucks a bowling ball. Strike! I smile in this dark time.

Allison urgently tapped her notepad with her pen. It reads 'She's our sister.' in all caps.

"We're the only ones capable of stopping this. We have a responsibility to dad." Luther reasoned. My jaw drops to the floor.

"Dad?! He didn't do shit for us: why should we do anything for him." I laugh. There's nothing else to say.

"He sacrificed everything to bring us back together."

"I'm with Luther on this one." Five states. I glare at him for my seat. "We can't give her a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake, we are past trying to save just one." I roll my eyes.

"Hey, you know guys," Klaus mumbles from his seat. "Maybe I could help."

Luther shakes his head, "Now is not the time."

"No, let him finish." Diego says. "He saved my life today."

At the same time I scoff, "Hear him out, would ya."

"Is that true?" Luther asks. Klaus reveals Ben is a ghost to the rest of our siblings. They don't believe him. He also tells us that Luther got laid! This causes Alison to strut off in a rage and Luther to chase after her.

"Excuse me," I ridiculous squeaky voiced woman runs over to us with a child. "Excuse me, it's my son Kenny's birthday today, and uh... wouldn't your children be happier playing with kids their own ages. Assuming it's okay with your two dads." she smiles. I refrain myself from bursting out in laughter. A silence settles between us. This woman thinks that Diego and Klaus are together? It's hilarious.

"I would rather chew off my own foot." Five spits. The woman frowns in shock. She leads her son away as I burst. I can't help but laugh at the situation. I notice Five getting up but I think nothing of it. He can do what he wants.

"If I was going to date a man, you'd be the last man I would date."

"You'd be lucky to get me." Diego and Klaus, respectively, bicker. Honestly. They are meant to be two grown men.

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now