Don't Fall For His Tricks

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Guys thank you for 1.95 reads!! It's amazing and i appreciate every single read vote and comment. Thank you all! Also sorry about the massive wait. Wattpad is not letting me publish the chapter for some reason.

Holy macaroni. I watch the whole second season the night that it came out and wow it is amazing. Its just. Yes. My babies! And Alli cat somehow got hotter.

Anyway back to the story I am attempting to write.

"When you hear a scary noise you don't walk to it." I yell at the screen. I tear away from Chad and throw popcorn at it. "Run you stupid hoe!" Horror movies are so annoying and scary but they are fun. Yes I am scared of horror movies but only when it's dark. I'm scared of the dark and what is in it. Don't go commenting about how wimpy I am, I already know. 

Just as the girl is about to get her head ripped off, Five appears in front of me. I glare and throw the remains of popcorn at him. He sighs in his dramatic way.

"What do you want?"

"I'm introducing you to someone." he states, taking my hand and zapping away.

We appear in a shop. Why? What is Five actually up to? When will he leave me out of this? Where am I?

We wander the aisles, picking up torches along the way. Five stops in his tracks. I follow to a mannequin.

Five smiles, "Dolores." okayyy. He is dating a mannequin. I'll admit that it's not the weirdest thing. "It's good to see you. I missed you, obviously. Well, it's been a rough couple of days." I feel eyes on me. I don't like that feeling.

"Five." I tug on his sleeve.

"Oh, yeah, this is Lilia." I wave to Dolores. "Dolores, stop it." he blushes and looks to the ground. I smile at the mannequin.

I'm insane.

Five looks up just in time to see a couple of shooters. He pulls me down. Bullets shatter the pale doll above us. Five and i split. Five runs to the left and without thought I run the other direction.

"Fuck." I mutter. Not caring if I'm heard or not. I need to think of something. I gesture for five to come to me. He doesn't understand. Great! Just great.

The figures start shooting my direction. I guess this means die or move. I don't know what's more preferable. I huff and scamper to another clothing line. The shooting gets further away. I peek through the shirts to see Dolores just sitting there. Not where she was before.

She's been chopped in half. Not literally. She needs to change her clothes but we are too busy for that. I stay there clutching the mannequin.

Five appears in front of me. "I have a plan. Instead of teloporting everywhere. I'll slow down time and we can leave without further damage." pointing at Dolores, I don't wait for a reply. I go straight ahead and slow the time around us. I pull five and Dolores along to the back.

We escape safely and evade the cops that have appeared. This kid has done it. I am a raging volcano. If he takes me on one more of the stupid trips-

I catch sight of the boy as I pull him into a ally. His dark hair is sticking to his forehead. Lashes surround mysterious orbs.

We walk home in silence. Dolores has been stuffed into a sack. We reach the house.

"Five, why did you bring me?" I say, stopping him in his tracks.

"I wanted you to meet the person that helped me survive the apocalypse."

"It was very nice meeting her." that makes him smile. His smile. I missed his smile. Five goes up to his room as I call Chad.

"Hey Baby," I greet. The other end is silent. "Are you mad at me?" nothing. "Chad? What have I done?"

It takes a few seconds but I get an answer, "Its nothing."

"No. There's something, tell me what I've done."

"You went off with him again."

"I can't stop him when he spacial jumps me."

"Yeah, of course you can't."

"But I can't!"

"Lies." he remains calm. I hate arguing. The shouting and the noise, it frightens me. He knows this and he isn't shouting. He's so thoughtful. "You are a liar." he shouts. I take my words back.

"I can't help it if he takes me somewhere." I reply, my voice shaking.

"You can and you know it!"

"But, baby. I..." tears roll down my face.

"You always choose him over me. I'm your boyfriend. He's not even your brother. He just some guy."

"He's not a random person. Please. Don't shout." I beg, tears flowing.

"Look baby, I don't want to shout but you are picking him over me. I don't like it." he pauses. "You know what? Let's go see my mum the day after tomorrow."

"Yeah, she always knows what to say." I comply. Chad's mum is amazing at sorting out our little fights. "Okay, I'll see you then." he hangs up the phone. I trudge upstairs and flop on my bed. I have had it with existence. I'm done with all of this.

First dad dies; five comes back; he talks to a mannequin; and now Chad and I are arguing. I'm tired. I down and go to sleep. I roll under my duvet and sleep. Sleep combed her fingers through my blonde hair. I swiftly fall under her spell.

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now