Just My Luck

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After my talk with him, I practically run to my room. I try not to cry but I can't stop myself. Everything is so overwhelming. I ferociously wipe my tears. I turn my finger until my phone blares tainted love. Chad's calling.

I pick up the phone, "Hey, babe."

"Hey, babe, you alright? You sound like you've been crying." of course he would notice. Chad could pick up any little thing about me and know how I'm feeling. He's so amazing. We haven't been together long but he just understands me.

"Yeah, you know the boy that left me-"


"Yes, well, he's back. I don't know what to do or feel and he wanted to talk to me but I just can't and-and I don't know what to do," tears gush from my closed eyes.

"Calm down, just take deep breathes," He gets cut off by the door swinging open.

Diego stands at the door, "Funeral time." he huffs. I nod and grab a jacket.

"Baby, I have to go, dads funeral." I hang up. I shake my head. I'm not going to the funeral, "I'll just watch from up here. Not really in the he mood" I really should go. It's going to be a shit show as always, I know it.

I glance out of my window every few minutes. As I said it was a shit show. Diego and Luther started fighting and they all argued. As soon as Diego started towards the door, I sulked down the stairs.

I turn into the living room, "You can't help yourself can you?" I huff at my brother. I lean on the door frame and cross my arms. My brows knit together to form a scowl. I can't keep up the facade for long though. A slightly annoyed smirk plays on my lips.

"How could I resist annoying that git?" he jokes. I don't think anyone dislikes Luther more than Diego. He despises Luther. He's just jealous, I bet. Dad always gave him the most attention, next to me, of course, and Diego was left under his large shadow.

"I know you can't," I ruffle his hair. He huffs in annoyance and folds his arms across his chest, "but it was a funeral. You should've waited five more minutes."

"If you're just here to criticise me then just leave." Diego huffs, sparing only a hint of laughter. He doesn't even look at me. Fine. I guess I've pushed a button.

"Sorry," I say before leaving. Unlike some, I know when to leave someone alone. I trudge to my old room. There's nothing to do. I click to stop time. I need to pack and I want silence so I'm killing two birds with one stone. After I finish, my stomach rumbles. I'm hungry. I skip to the kitchen, needing something sugary. I walk in clutching my head. A headache has formed and it's not looking pretty. I was probably thinking too hard.

"An entire square block." A voice begins. It's Five. He hasn't noticed me yet. He continues, "Forty-two bedrooms, nineteen bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee." I shake my head. Is that what he's moaning about?

"Dad hated caffeine." Allison pus in.

I emerge from the doorway, still clutching my head, "Dad also hated children but he had plenty of us." I add. Klaus giggles from his seat. I trudge past them and grab a glass. I fill it before turning around.

Five looks at me with concern, "Are you okay?"

"Like you'd care, dipshit." I huff, sliding into a seat. My head is killing me. The pain is taking over my head. I can only hope nothing bad happens. I don't want to seem weak.

"I'm taking the car." Five huffs out in annoyance. Oh no he isn't. I pull my head from the table. I shake my head at the young boy. There is no way I'm letting him drive.

"Where would you be going at this hour?" I ask. Its already pretty dark outside.

"Out to get decent coffee." he replies snarkily. He doesn't need to be so noisy.

Allison adds to the questions, "Do you even know how to drive?" I chuckle. Knowing Five he's going o have some funny little comeback.

"I know how to do everything." He puts a hand on my shoulder. No he will not.

"Five, don't you dare." I manage to push him away before he can teleport me.

"I feel like we should try and stop him but then again I kinda want to see what happens." Klaus states. I push up from the table.

Finishing my drink I pat him on the shoulder, "Dude, you are fucked up. God knows what he's gonna do-"



Sorry that it's late! I've been rather busy even without having to go to school.

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