A Perfect Day

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3rd POV

Lilia sits on the comfy sofa, reading her favourite book. Her brothers sit beside her. They share a look of joy as they playe an intense game of uno. She laughs as Diego forces Luther to pick up 4 more cards. At least that is what she dreams of.

She wishes for the normal household. Instead, she gets to watch Diego and Luther fighting over the weirdest things. Today Luther was winding Diego up so he kind of deserves it. They fight all the time.

She was born on the same day as everyone else but was found by Reginald at 2 years old. She was therefore "called" number 8. She easily found her power of time manipulation, even though she was last to find her way to Reginald. He was fascinated by her and is quite obviously his favourite. Her power drains her and stops her from doing much time manipulation.

Lilia POV

I sit with Klaus as Diego and Luther fight. Today they decided to fight about who was better at killing. Considering we have yet to kill anyone, it's another pointless argument. It gets funny watching them argue.

After a while, I decide I've had enough. With a click of my finger they freeze. Time manipulation comes in really handy during these situations. I stand up to pull them apart. As I begin, I notice Klaus isn't helping.

"Are you going to help at all, Klaus?" I complain. He shakes his head before taking a swig of drink I hadn't seen. Honestly... Boys will be boys.

"Well done, number 8," dad nods towards me, before glaring at Klaus. He just kept sitting down. Dad sighs and leaves the room to check on the others I'm guessing.

It takes a while but I manage to separate the two 12 year olds. I snap my fingers again and they smash into opposite walls. They grunt in unison. Somehow I stifle a laugh but Klaus doesn't manage the task. The two "older" boys glare at klause and I. They think just because they were found first, they can act like older brothers. I can handle myself. I'm perfectly fine without them.

"Lilia, why can't you just leave us alone for once. Go find your boyfriend." Luther groans at me. Everyone thinks me and Five like each other. Well. He doesn't like me. He likes Vanya. It's not fair! Why can't he like me? I leave the room with a grunt.

Walking across the main hall towards the stairs I find Allison. She looks amazing. She always has. Her hair is neat. Her skin flawless. I'm not as lucky.

"Hey, Lilia" she smiles.

"Hey," I reply with a bright smile. Allison always brightens my mood no matter how I'm feeling. Allison and I are really close. We confide in each other about everything. She knows about my massive crush on five. She tells me about what she and Luther get up to when they get a moment. Sometimes it's something I don't want to know but other than that we tell everything.

"What happened? I know that look." the only bad thing about our relationship is that she can read me like a book. She always knows when someone has hurt me.

"Luther said about me and Five again. It's not that bad, honest." I ramble. She doesn't look surprised at all. I guess she's used to Luther saying that about me. Probably since she's always with him.

"I'll talk to him, okay?" she walks off confidently after giving me a tight hug.

I walk off in the other direction, to my room. Its full of my art supplies. Pens, pencils, stacks upon stacks of paper and card, you get the idea. It's a mess. I'm currently planning what I need to get for everyone's birthday present since that is coming up soon. It's beginning of September but don't let that fool you. Time is a fickle thing. It can go fast if it needs to.

For Luther I'm going to buy some weights. For Diego I'm drawing out a set of knives I want made. Allison is getting a bracelet with our names on it. Klaus I'm drawing him a bottle opener. I still don't know what to get Five. Ben is getting a hoodie since he doesn't talk to me much but he does like his hoodies. And lastly I'm getting vanya a necklace with a tiny violin pendant.

I want to speed up time when I've finished the presents. It must look weird when I speed up time. I've been told it does. Apparently I stay in the same position and slowly twirl my finger. I can only imagine that. I never skip over more than a day. Even then it starts to drain me. I've never tried going backwards.

I continue to draw until something taps my shoulder. I turn my head to see Five peering over my shoulder. He has his signiture smile as I cover up all my drawings. He knows how uncomfortable I am with people seeing my art. It makes me feel vulnerable.

"Five,what are you doing here?" I question.

"I felt like seeing what you are up to," he smiles. God. That smile. It fills my stomach with butterflies. I can feel the blush seeping into my cheeks. I turn my back on him and pick out the knife drawing.

"What do you think? It's for Diego for our birthday." I mumble in embarrassment, still looking to the ground. He takes the paper from my hands.

"The detail on this is extraordinary! How are you so good at drawing?" he stares in wonder at the marked paper, "I know a place that you could get this made. Tonight?" I know what he's offering. I'm not sure if sneaking out tonight would be smart or not. Normally, there's time to plan our daring breakout.

"yeah, ten, my room. Don't be late," I say, in a stern enough way that he would listen to me. Five doesn't know how to listen to anyone but dad. We all listen to dad though.

"Same to you" he chuckles. His laugh makes my stomach do somersaults.

"I manipulate time, I won't be late," I joke back. He smiles and leaves me alone. I check my clock. It reads 12.34. I hope Five doesn't get in trouble for being late. Dad is horrible about being on time. As always he is more gentle with me. I like that I'm not punished so much but it makes the others hate me. The don't like how gentle dad is on me compared to them. He let's me off most of the time. I get 5 extra minutes to be ready. I sometimes even can talk a little during dinner. That's only rare though.

"I might as well skip until dinner anyway"

Envy // Five x ocKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat