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We get to the house to find Jenkins body sprawled out on the floor, knifes deep in his chest. 

"It's not exactly what I was expecting." Klaus says, breaking the silence that's fallen between us all.

"The understatement of the year." Five agreed. So the boyfriend is dead on the floor and Vanya just split???

"No sign of Vanya." Klaus mentions, mirroring my thoughts. 

"Let's get out of here, before the cops come." I follow as Diego turns to the exit.

"In a minute." Five kneels down next to the dead body. He fumbles with his pocket, pulling something out in one hand; with the other he peels off Jenkins eye patch. I gag. 

Diego steps forwards and Klaus leans down. "Come on, Five, what are you?" Five pushes an eye into Jenkins eye socket. I gag again at the noise. 

"Same eye colour, same pupil size. Guys this is it. The eye I've been carrying around for decades. Its found its rightful home." I make the mistake of leaning over to look. The minute I do I retch. Then five pulls the eye out again and I almost puke. 

"We got the guy we need to kill, to stop the apocalypse." Diego states. 

"Great. Let's just go." I groan. Diego pulls Klaus and I back by our shirts as five got our attention.

"No, no, wait. It can't be this easy. Look, this is the note that I got from the commission. The one that says 'protect Harold Jenkins' aka. Leonard pesabody. But who killed him? Who did this?" 

"I have a crazy idea. Crazy but why don't we find Vanya and ask her what happened." Five disappeared. Great. 

"If Vanya got away from this asshole-" Diego says, "-she might be headed back to the academy." 

We go back home. We search everywhere. But she's nowhere. Where could Vanya be? Diego leaves to enact his revenge on Hazel and Cha-Cha. 

"Did dad say anything about the apocalypse when you spoke to him?" Five questions as Klaus leans on the railing. "Any clues as to how it happened." 

"No. No clues." he replies, much to Five's dismay. "Truly terrific shave. But no clues." I frown as Five scoffs, walking away. Klaus and I chase him down the staircase. "Though, come to think of it, he did mention something about my potential. And how I've barely even scratched the surface of my-" 

"-How did he know about the apocalypse?" Five interrupts. 

I roll my eyes. "Who knows? He's Dad."

"Listen, this whole jumping through time thing of yours. How did you know how to do that?" Klaus turns from Five to me. "And how did you know how to just pause time at the literal snap of your fingers." 

"I didn't." Five once again interrupts. "You'd realize that if you were actually sober." 

"He is sober" "Hey, I am sober." Klaus grins at me before following Five, who has been acting up during this entire conversation; he's interrupted Klaus; he's walked away before anyone can finish talking; I would go as far as to say he is actively ignoring the two of us. 

"I've been sober for two- almost two days now." 

"Two days? Well done." I pat his back, smiling.

Klaus groans, "It feels like forty five years."

"Who are you kidding Klaus, apart from Lilia apparently, I've seen you fidgeting all day." 

"Well I guess we're both fighting our addictions then." 

"I'm not an addict." 

"Yeah you are. You're addicted to a drug called the apocalypse." 

"You're wrong." 

"Not to mention the plastic you're attached to." I mutter. I do need some popcorn right about now. 

Five glares at me. "What about that boy toy you had. Or are we not talking about him?" 

"Well at least He loved me! Your 'girlfriend' is a mannequin you found in some random shop." 

"She was there when you weren't. And you know it."

"Jesus! I loved you Five. I loved you and you left me here. With Dad and- and it broke me. Now you come back and you have this epic love story with a piece of fucking plastic."

"Dolores is the fucking love of my life. You don't matter to me. You weren't there for forty five years. You. Don't. Matter. Anymore." Five eyes are pouring with anger, while tears collect in mine. My teeth clench together, trying to resist crying. His face softens as I turn away. 


"Don't. You can go find Vanya just leave me out of this." tears float down my face silently as I walk away. I reach the kitchen before slamming my hands down on the table. Tears flood the table as I hunch over it. I scream. 

Time goes wrong. Visions flash before my eyes. Past, present, and seemingly future. 

I see my birth mom selling me off. Her gentle touch being replaced by the cold hands of dad. 

I see flashes of the moon, breaking apart. The pieces throw themselves away from the moon. 

I see Five. He's crying. He's in agony as he states at an image. I'm not there. Five is in a wasteland. He whispers my name, folding up an image and putting it in his pocket. 

I see Vanya. She's playing the violin but she's glowing. And not in the right way. Her eyes are white. I'm mesmerised and scared. 

Then I see flashes of my family, Five, Klaus, Diego, Allison, and I see Ben. For the first time in years, I see Ben. 

Everything flashes again, my time with Chad; the nights I spent awake, thinking I had noone in the world; father berating me for mine and Five's relationship. Everything. 

With a single whisper of "Vanya" I collapse. 

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now