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I wake up the next morning, resting my head on the bed. I sit up with a groan.

“Morning, Shithead.” Five says, grinning cheekily at me. His cocky smirk is wiped away and replaced with a pained grimace as I push gently on his bullet wound.

“Morning, Dickhead.” I smirk and walk to the kitchen. Luther and Klaus are downstairs with coffee. Klaus pours me a coffee as Five steals one right out of Luther’s monkey boi hands.

“Jesus.” Five grimaces at his coffee. “Who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?-”

“-Can we get started”

“Anyone seen any of the others? Diego? Allison? No?” Klaus questions with more of a pep in his step than usual. I guess he has been different since he reappeared. I shrug glancing at the other two. “All right then, this is the closest to a quorum.” Luther groans as the excitable sibling bangs the table with a spatula.

“Now listening up. There's no easy way to say this, so i'm just gonna spit it out. Yeah” we all pause, waiting for him to ‘spit it out’.

“Klaus?” I urged.

"I conjured Dad last night." What? Damn. I look to my brothers either side of me.

The silence is broken by Luther. "I thought you haven't been able to conjure anyone in years?"

"Yes I know, but I'm sober! Ta da. I got clean yesterday, to talk to someone special and then ended up having this conversation with dear old Daddy himself."

Dismissively, Luther gets up. "Anyone got any aspirin?"

"Top shelf next to the crackers." Five swiftly replies.

"Next to the crackers? Really? Who organised this kitchen?" I finished my coffee and am about to get up when Klaus speaks up again.

"This is serious guys alright?" Luther sighs, I glare at him. "this really happened I swear."

Sitting back down in my seat, I say, "Okay then, what did he say?"

"Thank you Lilia, he gave me my favourite lecture about my appearance and my failures in life and yada yada yada. No surprise there. Even the afterlife couldn't soften a hard ass like dad. But he did mention something about his murder, or lack thereof." answers? Finally some answers! "because he killed himself." shit dude. Dad really did that? If I'm being honest, it doesn't entirely surprise me. He'd probably say it was for honourable reasons to off himself. It's kinda messed up.

Luther stands up, dismissively as ever, "I don't have time for your games klaus."

"I'm telling you the truth, Luther, I'm telling you the truth."

"Why'd he do it then?" Five questions. Why are they being so judgemental?

"He said it was the only way to get us all home again-"

"-No. Dad wouldn't just kill himself."

"Ah. You said it yourself. He was depressed." I smile at the boy beside me. He looks back at me with a slither of a smile.

"There weren't any signs. Suicidal people exhibit certain tendencies, strange behaviours."

"He sent you to the moon for four years." Luther opens his mouth as though to disagree. "For absolutely no reason. And you know it."

"You believe him? I swear to god Klaus if you're lying."

"Master Klaus is correct." Pogo hobbles in. "Regretfully, I helped Master Hargreeves enact his plan. So did Grace. It was a difficult choice for both of us. More difficult than you could ever know." my eyes start brimming with tears. Noticing this, Five grabs my hand. I thought I was over him, dad I mean. I thought I had no feelings left for that man who placed himself as our father. "Prior to your father's death, Grace's programming was adjusted so that she was incapable of administering first aid on that fateful night."

"What the fuck."

"Sick bastard."

"So the security tape we saw?"

"It was meant to further the murder mystery." Pogo explains.

"No. I don't want to hear anymore. I'm going out. I'm going." I walk away before anyone can stop me. This is not the news I needed. After everything that's happened because dad decided to off himself rather than to just talk to us.

I march through the streets, my anger evident as my feet pound against cement. I walk without thought. By the time I take notice of my surroundings, I don't recognise anything around me.

Darkness formed in the sky as the sun set in the west. Gaggle of girls begin to head out in their groups for the clubs downtown: their skirts half showing their assets as they waddle through the shadowed streets.

I pat down my pockets, not finding my phone. "Shit!" I look around myself hoping to see something to show me the right way. Nothing.

Before I can have breakdown in the middle of the street, a car comes speeding past me. It passes me before stopping and reversing back to me. Yelling comes from it before Klaus appears from the window.

"Get in, QUICK!" urgently, I run forward. For what? I don't know. Klaus sounded worried so I ran. I open the back door and sit next to Diego with Allison's feet on my lap. I don't even shut the door and Five immediately drives with extreme speed. I look at my sister.

"What the fuck have you done?!" Allison is covered from head to two in blood. She doesn't look like she's even alive.

Not a noise comes from Luther. "We found her like this. She was bleeding out in Peabody’s house." The car stops. We rush Allison to mum.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx." Blood is everywhere, I'm starting to feel nauseous. "One of you will need to give blood." Needles. My worst fear. I run out the room and throw up.

Allison could die. And I can't even save her. I'm useless. All I can do is pause the earth. I'm completely useless to help my sister, even if she isn't flesh and blood.

"You okay?" Five rubs my back as we suddenly appear in a bathroom. I keep puking up my insides, Five caringly holds me.

After I stop throwing up, Diego calls us down for what's left of a family meeting.

"The bastard that nearly killed our sister's still out there with vanya." anger rises in his voice, fueled by disgust and fear for our almost deceased. "We need to go after her."
"Vanya is not important." Five says, l sitting down.

"Hey that's our sister. A little heartless even for you Five."

"I'm not saying I don't care about her-" I roll my eyes. "-but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us. Harold Jenkins is our first priority."

"I mean, they're literally together. Find Vanya and we'll find Jenkins. Two birds, one stone." I say.

"Okay, let's go." me, Five and Diego go in the direction of outside when Klaus speaks up.

"You guys count me out. I mean, no offense or whatever. It's just… I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for newly sober me." he bullshits his way through an escuse. He isn't fooling me today.

"Quit whining, you're coming with us." Diego nods in agreement.

"No no no. I think we can all agree that my powers. I mean it's pretty much useless. I'd just be holding you guys back."

"Klaus, get up." Five tells him.

"You can't make me." at this, Diego throws a knife between his legs. He seems to have gotten the message as he gets up off the sofa. "Oh then again, a little excersise couldn't hurt."

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now