This Boy Will Be The End Of Me.

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I wake up on the table. Wow. They really do care, don't they? I push myself up. Clambering off the table, I search for the clock. There isn't one. Great. Well at least the windows show that it's day. I'm gonna say morning and hope for the best. 

I wander to the living room to see way too much of Klaus.

"Shut your pie hole Ben." Klaus shouts at thin air, "said with love. " he finishes, blowing a kiss at the chair.

"Hey Klaus. Hey, Ben wherever you are." I greet, chuckling.

"Hey," Klaus pauses, "Ben says, 'Can you tell him to stop being a drugee and eat some eggs today' also, 'You look-' Ben no! Dude, she's our sister." He pauses and sighs, "I know that Luther and Allison are siblings but we are not going to talk about that until we leave for Alabama." Klaus smiles a very disgusted smile. I don't even want to know.

"I'm taken, Ben. How many times have I told you that." I laugh. I feel the unhealthily familiar buzz of my phone. Patch has text me.

It reads, 'Come pick up your idiotic brother. He's done it again.' I say bye to the boys and head off to the door. Since I got a taxi over, I'm going to walk. It's not too long from here.


When I get to the office, Eudora and Diego are talking. I smile. Diego and Eudora are still cute together. I cautiously make my way round to her table.

I lean close and put my hands on Diego's shoulders, "Did you catch the bad guy?" 

"Don't encourage him," Eudora chuckles, giving me a look. She goes back to her paper work after explaining the situation. I haul the jackass out of the station.

"Diego, what happened? Did you catch them?" I question as soon as we are in the car. He laughs. Why am I not surprised? We are actually really close compared to the others. While Allison and I grew apart, Diego and I grew closer. I guess we began bonding over our hatred for dad.

"Nope. No clue what happened." he smiles. That's unlike him.

"Diego... What are you smiling at."

"Eudora is adorable when she's mad." he chuckles before driving off. We have a semi-decent chat with one very awkward silence. It was about the boy. After a while of driving, we get to my house. 

"Thanks for driving me, bye." I thank, opening the car door. 

"Catch you around." I wave as he drives off. I sigh and push the door open. Why isn't it shut? I'm sure Chad doesn't come back for at least two hours. I shut the door as quietly as possible. Pulling out a pocket knife, I creep around a corner. Sitting on the sofa is Chad and Five. 

"What the hell, Five?" I say through gritted teeth. Five puts his arm over the side and looks at me with his smirk. You know the one.

"I need to talk to you and this is the only way to get to you."

"Don't touch him." I threaten. Five looks smug as he drags a knife from his sleeve, "Five, if you dare. I swear to god, I would never forgive you." he stops as tears form in my eyes. I love this man and I would never talk to Five again. 

"Oh, hey, Lilia." Klaus comes crashing into the room. He looks like dad. Is he wearing dad's suit? Why? Actually, I don't want to know.

"We need to do something, I'll explain on the way." Five drags me outside and begins walking down the street. He explains everything on the way over. I hate the idea but there's no stopping it now. 

sorry that I haven't written in a while. I've gotten really bad writers block and even tho I have wayy more time since its lockdown I don't have the time for anything. 

also this chapter has 666 words... tehe

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