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I think i may have accidently published this the other day but if you go down then theres the rest of this chapter lmao I'm a mess


I must've fallen asleep in Diego's arms because I wake up on a bed. I stretch and turn so I'm not facing the wall. Five is sitting in front of me on the bed and Luther stands in a room. Where are we?

"Good morning, sunshine." Five spits. My head. I should not have had that drink. Five ignores my glare and starts going into a story about how he met the handler and how he got to us.

Luther makes us a coffee and toast each as Five finishes. "You were a hit man? Surely you had a code though." I still lay on the bed.

Five sighs, "Yeah, no code. We took out anyone that messed with the time line." Holy.

"You just went around killing people? That's murder!" I explode, sitting up from the bed. Five turns to me with a judgy look.

"She's right, you can't just kill innocent people."

"Jeeze you two, grow up. We're not kids anymore. There's no such thing as good guys and bad guys. There's just people going about their lives." he has a point. I mean the world has never been black and white. We are all doing the same thing just in different ways. We are all just existing in the world. Just trying to survive.

"But when the world ends.... All of us will die." I say glumly.

Five sighs, "time changes everything." I place my hand on his shoulder as something rattles loudly outside. I fall back on the bed. I don't have the energy to exist today. Five shakes me moments after.


"You sure you wanna sleep in here?"

"Five, I have slept in here more times than you've drunk coffee. And you clearly have an obsession."

Five scowls, "Are you and him like.... A thing?" I'm taken aback. He's jealous? He's jealous. He's jealous!

"No, I wouldn't date that guy for a million nights with you." I wink, laughing. Five shows little blush but it's there, under his hard exterior, there's the boy that I love.


It's been a few hours and I've been painting. It's helping me get my mind off things. I go looking for five. I need to talk with him.

I find him in his room for once. I smile, he's drawing all over his walls. I knock on the doorframe.

"Hey, Five, do you have a moment?" he chuckles darkly.

He turns to me, a smirk playing on his lips, "Now you wanna talk. Yeah what is it?"

"Why did you leave?" he stops. Frozen in a moment. A lifetimes flashed in his eyes: a lifetime of guilt; a lifetime of love; a lifetime of missed opportunities. He opens his mouth, nothing. "Five?"

"I... I don't know. I would've come back... I couldn't."

"you didn't have to leave in the first place!" I yell, anger rising.

"Don't ever yell at me." Five seeths. His fists clenched, he growled "I wouldn't have left if you didn't break up with me." his voice is calm. Not good.

"You kissed vanya."

"She kissed me. I never liked her and you know that surely."

"Why would I? I spent six years thinking you liked her; you never told me you loved me or anything close to it; then I walk into you and her kissing." I sit on the bed, hands going through my hair.

"Lilia, I never liked her." Five crouches down and lifts my head. The next few moments are a blur. "I love you" he pushes forward and connect our lips. I'm frozen. This is so wrong but it feels right.

I push him away. "Five, I have a boyfriend. Speaking of that, I have to go meet his mother. Bye." I leave, not letting the boy get a word in. I race out the childhood house, trying desperately to get rid of what just happened.


"Lilia and my darling boy, what can I help you with?" the blonde woman says as Chad and I enter her office. She's standing at her artifacts with-


"Lilia?" we are both confused. Why and how is he here? This cannot be happening. Chad is gonna kill me when we get back. I turn around and stand outside the room.

I'm calmly thinking through all of this. Chad walks over. A flash of anger towards Five surges through me. He shouldn't have come back. He definitely shouldn't have kissed me. He just uggggh.

A woman rushes past and into Chad's mothers office. Moments later five walks out. He makes an attempt to walk passed me but I drag him back.

"You are going to explain yourself. Both of you." I glare at the two boys. They both seem uncomfortable. They're both hiding something from me. "I swear to god. If you don't tell me then I will kill both of you. With a freaking blunt knife."

"Fine." Five sighs. "I made a deal with the handler so that our brothers survived a little incident. I'm staying here so that you can live."

"Who's the handler?" I question.

Five gives me a weird look, "The woman through there."

"But that's Chad's mother." I turn to my soon-to-be ex boyfriend. "Who is she?" he shuffles in his space. He doesn't meet my eyes. My teeth are clenched. I'm so mad right now.

"She's not exactly my mother... She's been there since I was little but I can explain everything when we get home." he steps away. I follow. I don't know what made me do it. I just did. I trust him. With my life.

"Lilia, he's lying." disbelief comes from nowhere.

"No he's not." I smile. I feel like I'm not in control. Something is controlling me in a way. I can walk and talk but the feelings behind it aren't mine.

"why don't you believe me?" Five glares at Chad. He's smirking. Why is Chad smirking?

"I- I don't know." what is happening to me? I'm scared. There's no way five is doing this. Chad's a normal guy though. Or is he?

I turn to Chad, "Do you have powers?"

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now