13 going on 30

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Thank you Ashley_Hargreevee_45 for voting for the first 13 chapters! You're amazing.
Also thank you to everyone else as well for getting me over 4k reads :)


I don't know how long I'm out for, all I know is that I'm lucky I wake up when I do. 

My eyes open as the house shakes. I feel as my legs take me from the floor and crawl to the main room. I see Allison and Luther rush down the stairs. They notice me on the floor, giving me a questioning stare. Moments later, Luther hauls me over his shoulder. I'm so high up right now.  

We escape as the house explodes. It collapses in on itself. Luther puts me down. We watch as our old home caved in. 

Moments pass in sad silence. We three look around at the remains of our house. There's nothing left but rubble and sadness. I hear shouting from the others and rush over with Luther and Allison. 

"What about Pogo?" Diego asks Klaus. 

"He didn't make it." Luther replies. The two boys' heads flick to us. "Vanya killed him." 

"But Vanya wouldn't-" Diego says back, watching me with an odd stare. 

"No, I saw it." he sighs. "Just before we got out." Klaus steps to me, curiosity and fear written over his face. He crouches down to my level. I hadn't noticed how I've been looking up at my family the whole time. 

"Are you real?" He pokes my cheek. I swat his hand away. I nod my head, answering him. "You're a little on the young side." my hand reaches through my hair, utter confusion littering my mind. Did I reverse my age? Is that even possible? 

"Guys." I hear Five yell as he jumps into view. My eyes go wide as I spin around. I can't see him at all. Not after what he said to me. "This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today." His voice is laced with fear. My heart yearns for his love. My brain yearns for the dopamine rush he causes. My fingers yearn for his touch. 

"I thought you said it was over." Luther huffs and marches forward. 

"I was wrong, okay?" He exclaims. This makes me chuckle darkly to myself. "This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed." I roll my eyes, turning to the little twat. 

"Would you drop it? The headline of some fucking paper really doesn't matter." I storm over to him and rip the paper from his hands. I look down at him, literally. From the height difference, I would say I'm 13. I'd not a few years older. "Time has most likely altered since this morning." 

"You're not listening to me. When I found it," he snatches it back from me. Similarly to the others, Five watches me with curiosity. "I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The Moons still shining, the Earth is in one piece, but not the academy." 

Klaus takes the paper. "I'm confused…" he walks away from Five. 

"Then listen to me, you idiot!" he's getting mad now, huh. "Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold's Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse." 

"We have to find her." Luther mutters as a helicopter appears over us, shining its brightness over us. 

"We gotta go, now. Regroup at the superstar. Go!" the 7 of us split. A hand takes mine. My head turns to see Five looking down at the ground. He blinks us away to the superstar. 

I head straight for the toilets, there will be mirrors on there. I hear footsteps behind me as I storm into the ladies. 

What the mirror reflects back to me is confusing. I'm young again. Very young. I'm 13. How is this possible? I was 30 last time I checked. Maybe the whole scream and vision thing did something… Like how Five looks 13 but is truly much older. 

Speaking of the devil, Five is reflected next to me in the mirror. "Are you okay?" He asks. Like a complete fucking idiot. 

"And now you give a shit?"

Five looks pained at my words, as if they actually sting him. "Lilia, look, I said some stuff earlier that wasn't ideal. I didn't mean it." I scoff and march out of the toilets. I knew I wasn't evading him or the conversation for long. Five appears in front of me. "Don't walk away from me." 

"Honestly, Five, I don't care anymore, I just need to figure this out." My hands make a large gesture to my whole body. 

"The world is about to end." he sighs. "And that's what you're thinking about?" I huff. Crossing my arms, I turn away from him. Blood boils in my veins. 

"Did you mean what you said?" I ask with teary eyes. I need to stop getting upset. All I seem to do is cry recently. 

"No…" Five whispers as he shuffles awkwardly. The silence is cut as I see Diego run in. He glances at five and I with concern. Holding my head high, I strut to Diego. I crumble me in a warm bear hug; he stares daggers at Five. 

Diego and I aren't insanely close but he cares for me and I care for him. He has always been there for me. Even though he's cold and dead inside, he cares for me and my emotional state. Five leaving broke my thirteen year old heart and Diego was oddly the one to comfort me first. He's had this soft side since we were tiny. 

Envy // Five x ocWhere stories live. Discover now