Corbyn Besson- Bulimia

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*I love his brown hair so I had to choose this. He looks so badass. I feel like he's in his element. He just seems happier than usual* 

Corbyn scrolled through his phone and began reading comments. A majority of them were hate comments. His eyes filled with tears. He had tried working out. He had tried eating less. Nothing worked. Tossing his phone across the couch, he covered his face, starting to cry. Why did everyone hate him? Why was he fat? He finally took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "No more tears," he muttered to himself. 

"Corbs! Dani!" Zach yelled. 

"Daniel's not home. He went out for a while," Corbyn muttered. 

"Daniel went... Corbyn are you crying?" 

Jack frowned and approached Corbyn. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" 

Corbyn shook his head. "Nothing is wrong." 

Jack sighed. "We brought food. How about we relax and watch tv. Looks like you had a hard day." 

Corbyn nodded and Jonah put the on the coffee table. "Everyone take your pick," he said as Daniel walked into the house. 

Corbyn stared at the food and an idea seemed to form. Ignoring the voice inside him that was telling him not to. "I'm starved, let's eat." 

"Now there's our Corbyn," Zach said with a smile. 

The boys grabbed food and began to eat as they watched Harry Potter for what seemed like the millionth time. Corbyn eventually went into the kitchen and dug through the fridge. He downed two glasses of milk, quarter carton of ice cream, some cookies, mashed potatos, and left over fries. "Corbs, come over here, what are you doing?" Jonah called. 

Corbyn grabbed the near empty container of ice cream and went back to the living room. After finishing it he got up and went to the bathroom. He knelt in front of the toilet was he really about to do this? He put two fingers down his throat and gagged. 

Daniel walked past the bathroom on the way to his room when he heard gagging. "Corbyn?" 

A small retch followed by a splash sounded. Daniel sighed. "Corbs, are you sick?" 

"Yeah," Corbyn lied. 

"Can I come in?" Daniel asked worriedly. 

"No," Corbyn replied. 

Daniel sighed. "I'll get you some medicine." 

After a few minutes Corbyn walked into the kitchen. There was a few pills on the counter. "Thanks Daniel." 

He took the medicine adn went to the couch. That night, the boys were asleep when Corbyn went downstairs. He ate as much as he could adn once again threw it all up. 

This went on for several weeks. One morning Zach knocked on everyone's bedroom door except Corbyn's. "We need to talk." 

"About what?" Jack asked sleepily. 

"Corbyn has lost a lot of weight," Zach sighed. 

"Well why would he want to lose weight?" Jonah asked with concern. 

"Have you seen the comments lately?" Zach asked. 

Daniel pulled out his phone and went to Corbyn's accounts. "This is bad." 

"Do you think he's starving himself?" Jack asked. "Like anorexia?"

"Has anyone noticed random foods missing?" Jonah asked. "I've been shopping a lot more lately." 

Corbyn was in his room binge eating again. He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He knelt in front of the toilet. After a few minutes he went in front of the mirror again. He began to cry as he tried to figure out how things had come to this. He looked through the comments. He gave a frustrated scream and threw his phone across the room and collapsed crying. 

Jonah frowned. "Was that a scream?" he asked. 

The bous ran to the bathroom door to hear sobbing. Jack banged on the door. "Let me in! Corbs please!" 

"Go away," Corbyn sobbed. 

"Corbyn please," Zach begged. 

"No," Corbyn snapped sobbing harder than before. "Please leave me alone." 

Deciding not to pressure him, they went back to Zach's room. Jonah took a deep breath. "You're right," he sighed. 

"Unfortunately," Zach sighed. 

Corbyn eventually stopped crying and wandered to his room. He pulled on a clean hoodie and joggers. He grabbed his phone and house keys. He glanced in Zach's room and Jonah looked at him. He pulled on his hood adn left. 

Daniel was alert when he heard the door close. He exchanged looks with Jack. 

After a few hours Corbyn walked into the house. Zach stood at the door with empty wrappers in his hands. "Corbyn," he said 

Corbyn narrowed his eyes. "You went in my room?" 

"This is ridiculous Corbyn. We saw the hate comments. Please talk to us," Jonah sighed. 

Corbyn's lip trembled and the anger seemed to leave his eyes. "I figured if I lost weight everything would be okay. It's not. I feel awful. I want to die. I can't take it anymore." 

Daniel pulled Corbyn into his arms. "We're here for you. Don't cry. We'll get help." 

Corbyn nodded not able to talk. Daniel looked at the rest of the boys with tears in his own eyes. They all nodded knowingly. 

The next day the boys kept a close eye on Corbyn, making sure that he ate his food and didn't throw it up. Daniel followed him everywhere. They were all relaxing on the couch, when Corbyn moaned. Jonah looked up from his book. "You okay?" 

Corbyn shook his head. "My stomach really hurts." 

Zach set a game card in front of Daniel. "You're not trying to get out of eating are you?" 

"No," Corbyn whined. "I'm serious. I feel sick." 

Jack stopped playing his guitar. "What kind of hurt?" 

"I feel like I'm going to throw up," Corbyn mumbled, knowing if he talked anymore he would. 

"Corbyn..." Daniel began when when he noticed how pale the boy was. "Jack, go get a trash can or something." 

Jack got up and went to the other side of the living room. He grabbed the trash can and brought it back. Jonah had now positioned himself behind Corbyn and was rubbing his back. Corbyn moaned. How had he even gotten to this point. "Corbyn, breathe," Jonah said gently. 

Corbyn gagged and Jack quickly put the trash can under his chin. Zach ran a hand through Corbyn's hair. "You're okay. Just get it up. We'lll go to the doctor after." 

Corbyn nodded and gagged again this time bringing up everything he'd eaten that day. He threw up again. After a few minutes, he pushed the trash can away. He took a few breaths as Daniel handed him a water bottle. He retched and grabbed the trash can. Jonah glanced at Zach. "This is bad. He can't even keep water down." 

When Corbyn's stomach had finally settled, Jonah grabbed the car keys as Zach led Corbyn outside. They all got in the car and Jonah pulled onto the main road. After a few minutes Corbyn seemed to go limp. Assuming he was asleep they didn't pay much attention. When they pulled into the parking lot, Jack shook Corbyn's shoulder. "Dude, wake up." 

Corbyn didn't move or even react. Jack began to get scared. "Corbyn. Oh man. Wake up!" 

Jonah quickly pulled into accident and emergency. "Someone help. He just passed out."

Eventually they learned that Corbyn had passed out because of how low his blood pressure was. They also learned that his body wasn't used to nutrients and that's why he had thrown up. After several months Corbyn had recovered. 

Sorry for the crappy ending. I raced through this in school. I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be getting back to requests now. I was just writing some of the things that came to my mind. Stay safe 💕

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