Jonah Marais- Raped

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*Requested* I don't really like to write about rape because of how sensitive of a topic it is so don't expect anything in detail. A little self-harm. However, if you're sensitive to anything related to this for whatever reason... please don't read this. I don't want to be responsible for upsetting someone or possibly hurting someone. 

Daniel was excited. That was an understatement. He was practically running through the house when Corbyn told him to go wake up Jonah. It was their day off, and they were going to be doing whatever they wanted. He went into Jonah's room. "Jon, good morning." 

"Go away Z," Jonah moaned. 

"Nah, it's not Zach. It's Daniel," Daniel laughed as he shook Jonah's shoulder. 

Jonah rolled over, squinting to see Daniel in the bright light. "Oh. Sorry about that. It's usually Zach who wakes me up." 

Daniel grinned. "No problem. The rest of us are hungry and wanna eat. Please can you get up now?" 

Jonah forced a smile. "Sure. Come on." 

When Daniel left the room, Jonah closed the door and locked it. He pulled off his shirt and looked at the bruises on his chest. Flashbacks came to his mind and he winced, closing his eyes. Jonah got dressed and went downstairs, forcing a smile onto his face. "Come on guys. You were in such a hurry. Let's go." 

The boys nearly trampled each other on the way to the car. Zach glanced at Jonah. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah. Just tired," Jonah said. "I was still sleeping ya know." 

Jack laughed. "You've been doing that a lot lately." 

"It keeps me from remembering things," Jonah sighed. 

Jack glanced in the rearview mirror. Daniel and Corbyn exchanged glances. Zach stared at Jonah. "I beg your pardon?" 

"Nothing," Jonah muttered tugging at his sleeves, to make sure all the bruises were covered. 

"Jonah," Corbyn said. "You can talk to us. We're a family." 

"Can we talk about something else please?" Jonah mumbled. 

Jack cleared his throat. "Personally, I think that we should head to the park with our skateboards and chill there after breakfast." 

The boys all agreed that it would be a good idea to take advantage of their day off. After eating, they headed to the park. While the boys were skating, Jonah decided to go to the bathroom. He was heading towards the other side of the park when a man appeared out of nowhere. Jonah froze. "Go away, Mitch." 

Mitch grabbed Jonah and pulled him behind the bathrooms. Jonah was shaking at this point. The bruises had taught him not to fight it. However, when Mitch began to unfasten his jeans, Jonah completely freaked out. He was kicking and tried to scream. 

Corbyn and the others were showing off their skills to each other. Jack began to realize that Jonah still wasn't back yet. "Guys, I think I should go check on him." 

Jack hurried to the bathrooms and found Jonah on the floor shaking. "Jon, what happened?" 

"I threw up," Jonah lied. 

"Aww, buddy. I didn't know you were sick," Jack pouted, kneeling beside his best friend. 

Jonah nodded. He flinched when Jack touched him. The group headed home and Jonah went straight to his room. He stayed there for a few days. He had locked his door so that no one could get in and threatened anyone who attempted to get in. 

Daniel went upstairs with a Taco Bell bag and knocked on Jonah's bedroom door. "Jon, I have food for you." 

"I'm not hungry," Jonah replied. 

"You love Taco Bell," Daniel said. 

Jonah didn't reply. Daniel knocked on the door and got no answer. Beginning to panic, he kicked the door and found Jonah on the floor with a knife to his wrist. Daniel grabbed the knife. "Jon, what the hell are you doing?" 

"I lied to Jack," Jonah stammered. 

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked. 

"I wasn't sick. There was this guy at the skate park and he..." Jonah stammered and began to cry. 

Daniel felt sick. "He raped you?!" 

Jonah was crying too hard to talk. Daniel pulled Jonah into his arms. "Jonah, I don't even know what to say." 

"Hey, guys! I wanted to let you know... Jonah, what's wrong?" Zach stammered. 

"Yo! There's a man here for you Jonah. He said his name is Mitch," Corbyn said walking into the room. "Should I let him in?" 

Jonah jumped out of Daniel's arms so fast that Daniel nearly fell over. He stumbled towards the bathroom in a panic. Daniel ran after Jonah. "Hey, it's okay. Look at me. That's right. We're not going to let him in. You're okay." 

Jonah was trembling as Daniel held him. "What is going on here?" Jack asked. 

Not wanting Zach to hear what was going to be said, Daniel said, "Zach I need you to go out and call the police." 

When Zach had left the room, Daniel sighed as he helped Jonah onto the bed. "Jonah and I have something we have to tell you all." 

Y'all I tried. That's all I can say. If you want a part two... I can do it. Hope you enjoyed❤

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