Corbyn Besson - Stomach Flu

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Im gonna throw up. a voice said, alerting Jonah.

Jonah turned around and looked at Corbyn. Okay, lets sit down. He said calmly.

Corbyn sank onto the bench wincing as his stomach flipped. Jonah and Daniel looked at each other. Corbyn seemed to be feeling worse than he was letting on. Daniel pulled out a water bottle. Jack walked over to them with Zach close behind him. Whats going on? Jack yawned. Lets finish the hike.

He looks dehydrated. Eben said, appearing beside the boys.

I dont feel so good Eben. Corbyn moaned looking up at his friend who was more like a brother.

Eben looked at the other boys. What? he asked with a perplexed expression on his face.

He said hes going to throw up. Daniel replied, motioning to the shaking boy.

He looks like he might have the stomach bug. Hes pretty feverish. Eben said, getting a nod of agreement from Zach.

We should take him back to the tour bus. Daniel sighed. He wont last long in this heat.

Im not feeling to great myself. Kind of overheated. Jack muttered.

Corbyn gagged, interrupting the conversation. Jack rubbed Corbyns back. Its okay. Just get it up.

Corbyn heaved, bringing up a mouthful of puke. People on the hiking trail frowned and were giving the boys concerned looks. Corbyn retched and more of his lunch came up. Daniel opened the water and gave it to Corbyn. Corbyn sipped the water and groaned. Oh man. He muttered.

Eben took Corbyns hand. Deep breaths man. Youll be alright. Just let it happen. He assured his friend.

The other boys formed a barrier so that no one could see Corbyn. Youre alright Corbyn. No ones watching. No one can see you. Weve made sure of it.

Corbyn vomited for the next twenty minutes until he was just dry heaving. He groaned as Eben wiped his mouth. Feel better? Jonah asked worriedly.

My stomach hurts so much. Oh my god. Jonah its so bad. Corbyn moaned beginning to cry.

Jonah took Corbyn into his arms. He carried the boy to the car and drove to the doctor. Corbyn sank to his knees in the grass and vomited. Daniel supported the weak boy to keep him from falling into the puddle. When Corbyn was done, Daniel managed to lift Corbyn into his arms and carry him to the bathroom inside the hospital. Finally, the boys found themselves in the hospital waiting room with Corbyn half asleep in Zachs lap. Eben stroked the boys blond hair. Corbyn moaned five minutes later. What? Zach asked.

Im gonna throw up again. Corbyn stammered.

Zach took Corbyn and led him to the bathroom. Corbyn had barely knelt before all hell broke loose. The worst round of vomiting began. Zach was terrified but didnt show it. He whispered softly to Corbyn. After two hours, Corbyn calmed down. A doctor walked in with Daniel. Is this Mr. Besson? he asked.

Yes sir. Daniel replied.

How long has he been vomiting? The doctor asked.

Just now or earlier? Zach asked.

Both. The doctor replied.

Two hours straight just now, and about thirty minutes straight earlier. Zach answered.

The doctor nodded and looked at Corbyn. Hey buddy. He said kneeling down to be at the sick boys level.

Corbyn opened his eyes and looked at the doctor. Hi. He muttered.

Think you can make it to my office so I can check you out? the doctor asked.

I dont know. Corbyn whispered.

The doctor nodded. Do you think youre gonna throw up again? he asked.

Maybe. Im not sure. Corbyn muttered beginning to cry.

Dont cry. Well all help you out. The doctor said. Come on.

After several minutes the doctor turned to the other boys. Corbyn just has a really bad stomach bug. Heres the medication. He should be better in a few days. He said.

Thanks so much. Jonah said.

Of course. No problem. The doctor replied. Feel better Corbyn.

Corbyn smiled. Thanks.

I don't know why but I think this one is better than my other ones. Anyway... I hope you enjoyed :)

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