Corbyn Besson - Intestinal Obstruction

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Corbyn was sitting on the couch watching a movie with Zach and Daniel. Jack and Daniel were outside swimming. Corbyn felt a sharp pain in his stomach and moaned. Zach, who was half asleep looked up. "What's wrong?" he muttered.

"My stomach hurts. I'm sure it's nothing." Corbyn replied.

"You sure?" Zach asked.

"Yeah." Corbyn muttered.

Zach looked at Daniel who shrugged. The boys went back to watching their movie. Zach curled up against Corbyn and dozed off.

Jack and Jonah stood in the pool tossing a volleyball around as they talked. Jonah grinned. "I'm getting hungry."

"Me too. How about Subway?" Jack suggested.

"Yeah. Let's go." Jonah said.

The boys went inside and changed clothes. Jack grabbed the car keys and ran downstairs. "Anyone want to head to Subway?" he asked.

"Nah. We're tired." Daniel mumbled looking up from his phone.

While Jonah and Jack were gone things only got worse. Corbyn began shifting in his seat and pushed Zach off his stomach. Zach yawned. "Are you okay?"

"No. My stomach hurts." Corbyn replied.

Zach had Corbyn lay down. "Are you gonna throw up?" he asked.

"I don't know." Corbyn mumbled.

Zach reached for a trash can and set it down beside the couch. "Just in case."

Another sharp pain spread through Corbyn's stomach. He moaned and curled up. "Zach. Something's not right."

"What do you mean?" Zach asked. "Is it... no you got your appendix out already."

"Zach please." Corbyn said beginning to cry as the pain in his stomach got worse.

Daniel raced upstairs and got the keys. "Okay Z. Here's you license and keys." he said.

Zach pulled Corbyn to his feet and led him outside. Corbyn froze as his stomach twisted. He doubled over heaving. Zach jumped back, puke barely missing his shoes. "You good now?" he asked.

Corbyn nodded, unable to talk.

When they arrived at the hospital Corbyn fell asleep in the waiting room. Eventually a doctor walked out. "Corbyn Besson."

Zach put down his phone. "Come on Corbs. Let's go."

The boys went into the office and Zach helped Corbyn onto the checkup table. The doctor approached Corbyn. "What kind of pain are you having?" he asked.

"I don't know how to explain. Like cramping kind of. But also really sharp pains. It's on and off." Corbyn said.

"Do you still have your appendix?" the doctor asked.

"No." Corbyn said.

"Okay." the doctor said gently pushing on Corbyn's stomach. "Pain?"

"Sore." Corbyn replied.

The doctor nodded and pushed on the lower part of Corbyn's stomach. "There?"

"It hurts." Corbyn said.

The doctor sighed. "Since you're feeling pain down there it seems you might have a problem with your intestines."

Corbyn began feeling nauseas and closed his eyes. Zach cleared his throat. "What should we do?"

"Well his stomach feels fine to the touch and when I used the stethoscope it was making it's usual sounds that it should. I would say monitor it. Has he thrown up?" the doctor said.

"Yeah. Once." Zach replied.

"If anything gets worse or seems unusual bring him back here." the doctor said.

When they got back to the house Corbyn collapsed on the couch. Jonah looked up. "So what happened?"

"We need to keep an eye on him." Zach explained.

"Why? What's wrong?" Daniel asked.

"He suspects that Corbyn's intestines have a problem." Zach replied sitting on the couch.

That night they ordered pizza and watched Big Bang Theory. Corbyn's stomach twisted at the smell of pizza. He got off the couch and ran to the bathroom. Jack sighed. "Poor thing." he said sympathetically.

"I know." Daniel said.

After ten minutes, Corbyn returned looking exhausted. Zach held his arms out and Corbyn crawled into his boyfriend's lap. Zach sighed. "You have a fever."

Corbyn nodded, moaning as the pain got worse. Zach sighed. "I'm sorry. I hope you get better soon."

"Want water?" Jack asked.

Corbyn nodded and sipped the water. It felt good on his sore throat. The relief didn't last long. Corbyn felt sick and sat up. "Z."

Zach looked around. "Can you make it to the bathroom?" he asked.

Corbyn retched in response. Zach moved the coffee table just as Corbyn threw up. Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Is it supposed to look like that?"

Jonah looked to where Daniel was pointing. "Shit! That's blood!" he gasped.

Jack dialed 911. "Yeah there's blood. No sir. Yes. Thanks. A cold cloth? Yeah. Listen to his stomach? Doing it right now. No there is no sound. Obstruction? Alright. Thank you."

When they got to the hospital they were all on edge. A doctor walked out. "Corbyn's intestines are blocked. Usually we could fix that without needing to completely remove them. However, in this case he's in serious pain and there's no way we could unblock it. We're doing the transplant right now." he said.

"Thanks." Jonah stammered.

Zach's eyes filled with tears. "What's gonna happen?"

Daniel hugged Zach. "Didn't you hear? They can fix it. He just need surgery." he whispered.

Zach curled up against Daniel. It took several hours but finally the doctor walked out again. "You can go see him. He's not fully alert yet but he's awake. Room 4122." he said.

The boys raced down the hall and found Corbyn half awake in the bed. Zach ran to him. "You're okay! I was so scared."

Corbyn smiled weakly. "I was scared too." he muttered.

"I'm here now." Zach said.

"We're so glad you're okay." Jonah said.

Corbyn gave a goofy smile. "I can't have solids for a months."

"What's so bad about that?" Daniel asked.

"Can't have Taco Bell." Corbyn laughed.

"Not unless you want to get sick again." the boys laughed.

"See Zach? He's fine." Daniel said.

I honestly like this one. Also, what illness should I do for Jack? Hope you enjoyed❤

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