Jonah Marais - Seizure

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Zach walked downstairs half asleep and ready for breakfast. Corbyn approached the youngest band member. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah. Just tired," Zach yawned, sitting at the dinner table. "Where's Jon? He wasn't in bed this morning." 

Daniel looked up from his breakfast. "He just threw up. I think he's on the couch. He might be in the bathroom. I have no idea." 

Zach got up and went to the living room. He found Jonah curled up in a ball shivering. Zach sighed. "Oh, Jon. What's wrong?" 

Jonah rolled over, his face slightly pale. "I don't know. I just felt sick all of a sudden." 

Zach knelt beside Jonah and stroked the boy's hair. "Why didn't you wake me up?" 

"I didn't get a chance," Jonah murmured and dozed off. 

Zach looked up at Jack almost tearfully. He'd never seen Jonah in such a bad state. Sure, Jonah got sick, but he looked worse than usual. "What?" Jack asked. 

"I don't know what to do. I feel like it's something serious," Zach sighed. 

Jack felt Jonah's head and shook his head. "He's got a slight fever. We'll just monitor it," he said. "Come on Z, let's go eat." 

Zach followed Jack to the kitchen and the band began eating. Zach finally managed to relax and got into the conversation that was going on at the table. The group began to talk about the concert that would be happening that evening. 

Jonah woke up with a tingling feeling throughout his body. Not wanting to worry anyone, he ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. He had almost dozed off when his headache began to get worse. "Z!" 

Zach ran in looking panicked. "Jonah, what's wrong?" he stammered. 

"My head is pounding man. I don't even know," Jonah groaned. 

Zach noticed Jonah's breathing was shaky and fast. Usually, fast breathing meant Jonah was about to be sick. Zach grabbed the trash can just in case. "What do you need?" 

Jonah didn't respond and Zach got worried. "Corbs." 

Corbyn walked in with a worried expression. "What's going on?" 

"He just stopped responding. I don't know," Zach explained putting a hand on Jonah's chest. 

Corbyn checked Zach thoroughly. "I think he just fell asleep. Just keep an eye on him. Let's try to wake him up just to make sure." 

Zach leaned over Jonah. "You okay?" 

"Just a few more minutes," Jonah muttered in a barely audible voice. 

Zach was satisfied with the response and went to get dressed for the concert. He eventually helped Jonah get dressed and led him to the car. When they arrived at the auditorium, Jonah slept while the other boys set up the concert area. Eben walked in a few hours later with food. "Good evening everyone. I figured you all could do with some dinner." 

Everyone but Jonah nearly trampled Eben to get the food. Eben frowned. "You hungry Jonah?" 

Jonah shook his head. "Maybe later. I'm a little nauseous," he muttered. 

Finally, it was time to get on stage. Zach was hyped up. In fact, he was just as hyped up as the others at this point. "It's time for our newest song Chills!" he announced practically skipping across the stage. 

Corbyn was standing at his microphone. "Coat laying on the floor. Long December nights are what I've been waiting for. Pull my hand close to the fire," he sang. 

It was finally Jonah's part. Jonah paused for a moment and Zach thought he was about to collapse. "I think about you every second of the day. My heart used to be so cold, the world used to be so grey. And I know seasons change but it felt like you never would. No one seemed to understand me but you understood. We could be royalty..." Jonah began. 

A metallic taste filled his mouth and the world became fuzzy. He put a hand to his head. "Oh, man. I don't feel so good," he muttered, putting a hand over the microphone. 

The other boys put their hands over their own mics. "Don't feel good how?" Jack asked. 

Jonah's eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed. The crowd screamed as Zach ran to Jonah. The other boys joined Zach. "Wake up," Daniel pleaded. "Come on Jonah." 

Jonah's body began to twitch. Corbyn's eyes widened when he realized what was happening. Everyone had been too stunned to call someone. Finally, Jack spoke. "Get a medic!" 

Jonah's whole body was shaking at this point and Zach began timing the seizure. After six minutes Jack began to panic. The auditorium had already been cleared and the boys were standing a good distance away from Jonah to let the medics do their job. Zach was sobbing in Daniel's arms. When the seizure stopped fifteen minutes later, the medics lifted Jonah onto the stretcher. "LA general. Meet us there," the taller medic said. 

When they arrived at the hospital they paced the waiting room for what seemed like hours. A doctor walked out removing his gloves. "Jonah Marais." 

"We're here," Zach said. 

"Jonah's going to be fine. His seizure was caused by a very high fever. We had to check for brain damage because of the length of the seizure. He's a lucky one. Not many would've survived that. We want to keep him for a day or two but he should be out with a clean bill of health," the doctor said. 

"Can we see him?" Jack asked. 

"Well at the moment he's asking for a Zach Herron. But sure," the doctor replied. 

Zach raced down the hall and into Jonah's room. "Jon! Oh my gosh." 

Jonah gave a weak smile. "Z." 

"I was so scared," Zach sighed, hugging Jonah. 

"Me too," Jonah murmured. 

Zach shushed his boyfriend. "Don't talk right now. Just relax." 

The other boys raced into the room in a panic. Seeing that Jonah was fine, they managed to relax. They hugged their friend. Sure enough, after a few days, Jonah was able to go home and relax there. He eventually was back to his normal self. 

Crappy ending but this is one of my favorite ones that I've written. Sorry for taking long to update. I just recently got a new puppy and she doesn't really give me much time to be able to sit down and write. I hope you enjoyed this. Requests are open❤

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