Jonah Marais - High fever

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"Hey Zach!" Daniel called.

"What's up Dani?" Zach asked pulling on a shirt.

"Call Jonah. He hasn't woken up yet." Daniel replied pulling on a pair of jeans. "We have an interview soon.

Zach ran down the hall and knocked on Jonah's bedroom door. "Jon. Wake up. We have an interview today."

"Go away Zach." Jonah murmured.

Zach opened the door and raised an eyebrow when he saw Jonah asleep on the bed. "Jon, we have to go now. Please get up."

Jonah sighed and got up. "Fine." he said in a slurred voice.

Jonah slowly made his way into his bathroom. His stomach was churning and he felt dizzy. He knew he had a fever, but he didn't want to ruin the fun of the interview for the rest of the band. After getting dressed and ready, he walked downstairs and took a seat at the table. The smell of food increased his nausea. Corbyn smiled as he set down a plate of pancakes. Jonah put a hand over his stomach as he looked at the food. "Oh man." he muttered.

Jack frowned. "You okay buddy?" he asked with concern.

Jonah shook his head and clapped a hand over his mouth. "Excuse me." he muttered and ran out of the room.

Daniel glanced at the others. "What the hell?"

Corbyn got to his feet. "I'll go check on him." he sighed.

Corbyn ran down the hall and stopped at the bathroom door. "Jon? You alright in there?"

"No." Jonah said weakly and gagged.

Corbyn opened the door and found Jonah leaning against the bathtub with his eyes closed. Corbyn closed the door and knelt down. "Maybe we shouldn't do the interview today." he suggested.

Jonah shook his head. "No. I feel better now." he lied as Corbyn flushed the toilet.

Corbyn sighed. "If you say so. If you feel sick again then tell someone okay."

Jonah nodded. "Okay." he muttered. "Just don't tell the others I threw up. Please."

Corbyn smiled. "Alright."

While the boys were in the interview Jonah began to feel weird. He gripped Corbyn's hand. Corbyn frowned and looked at his friend. He was about ask Jonah what was wrong when Jonah went limp and fell of the couch. Zach leapt to his feet. Daniel was frozen in horror. Jack pulled out his phone and called 911. Corbyn touched Jonah's forehead. "He's burning up."

Zach shook his head. "Forget 911. It'll take too long. Let's just go."

When they arrived at the hospital a man ran out with a stretcher. They lifted Jonah onto a stretcher. "Vomiting?"

Corbyn nodded. "A little."


Zach shrugged. "I don't know."

After an hour the doctors arrived. "Jonah has had a very high fever. You're very lucky that you got him here when you did. It was at 103.9. If it had gotten higher it would've started to cause brain damage." he explained.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Jack asked.

"Yes. Now he's still unconscious but we know that he'll be okay once he wakes up. We want to keep him a few days though."

"Can we see him." Zach asked.

The doctor nodded. "Certainly."

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