Corbyn Besson and Zach Herron- Car Crash

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*Zorbyn* *Some smut in this one but not much*

Corbyn sat on the couch beside Daniel. Jonah, who was on the chair across the room looked up from his book. "Corbs, are you alright? You seem stressed," he said. 

"I know Zach opens up to you a lot more. I also know it's rude to expose people..." Corbyn stammered glancing at the floor. 

A smile spread across Daniel's face. "You want to know who he as a crush on don't you." 

"That obvious?" Corbyn stammered. 

Jonah nodded. "I'll just tell you he's not straight. The rest you have to find out yourself." 

Corbyn smiled. "I'll go talk to him right now. He's at the park right?" 

"As always," Daniel muttered. 

Corbyn grabbed his skateboard and left the house. As he got closer to the park, he began to wonder what he was going to say to Zach. He shrugged figuring it would happen once the conversation got started. He spotted Zach sitting on a park bench reading and eating ice cream. Reese was playing on the playground and Ryan was with his friends at the small skatepark across the street. Corbyn skidded to a stop in front of Zach. "Hey." 

Zach grinned as he looked up. "Hey Corbs. What's going on?" 

"I wanted to talk to you," Corbyn replied. 

"You came all the way to the park to talk to me?" Zach asked putting away his book. 

Corbyn nodded. "It was important." 

Zach nodded and stood up. "Let's walk along that trail." 

"What about Reese?" Corbyn asked. 

Zach pulled out his phone. "Yo Ryan. Can you come over here and keep an eye on Reese for a little bit?" he asked. "Alright thanks. It shouldn't take too long." 

Corbyn and Zach began walking on the trail. "So what's going on Corbyn?" 

"I don't know how to say this," Corbyn stuttered. 

Zach was sweating as he looked at Corbyn. Why was Corbyn so nervous? Did he have a crush on him. Taking a breath, Zach said, "You know you can tell me anything." 

Corbyn took the spoon out of Zach's hand. "D-do you have a crush on anyone?" 

Zach's stomach dropped. Was it what he thought? "Yeah I do. I don't think they like me back though."

Corbyn took a bite of Zach's ice cream. "Really?" 

Zach nodded slightly. "He doesn't like me like that." 

Corbyn raised an eyebrow. "Who?" 

Zach looked away and Corbyn smiled. "Me?" 

"No," Zach said so fast Corbyn knew he was lying. 

Corbyn gave a small grin and looked into Zach's eyes. "Really?" 

Zach was trembling when he realized Corbyn was getting closer. Did Corbyn really like him? "Corbs, I-" he muttered. 

Corbyn pulled Zach close brushing his lips against Zach's. "Should we head back?" 

Zach nodded. "Probably."

After an hour of watching the kids play, they headed back to the house. Corbyn went to his room to try and pull himself together. He was still in shock that not only did Zach like him back, but he had kissed Zach. There was a knock at his door and he put down his phone. "Come in." 

Zach walked in with a raised eyebrow. "What were you doing?" 

"Nothing," Corbyn replied. 

Zach bit his lip as he looked at Corbyn sprawled out on the bed. The way his dark hair (oml but Corbyn looks even cuter with brown hair ahh. Okay back to the story) fell into his eyes. "This afternoon was interesting." 

Understanding what Zach wanted, Corbyn sat up and motioned for Zach to come over. Zach crawled on top of Corbyn and kissed him. Corbyn kissed back as me flipped them over so that Zach was underneath him. Zach gave a small moan as Corbyn got his sweet spot. 

After a while the boys woke up and realized that it was five in the evening. Since they were hungry, they decided to head to a restaurant so they could spend some time together. Zach grabbed his car keys.  

Zach pulled out of the driveway. When they arrived at the restaurant Corbyn grinned at Zach. "I love you Z." 

"Love you too Corbyn," Zach said as they went in to eat. 

After dinner the boys decided to just go for a drive since it was only seven. Zach looked out the window. "Wanna head towards that road. It's pretty nice." 

Corbyn nodded. "Go ahead." 

Zach pulled onto the road as he and Corbyn continued talking. Corbs, what do you think the boys are going to think about this?" 

Corbyn sighed. "They won't mind." 

Zach was about to respond when a truck came out of nowhere. "Holy shit!" he gasped. 

Corbyn's eyes widened as Zach swerved. The last thing the boys heard was the crunching of metal. 

Daniel drove down the road towards the house. He had gone out to get dessert for the boys who were still home. He noticed two totaled cars and gasped. He got closer and realized it was Zach's car. "Oh my God! Zach! Corbyn!"

Zach slowly opened his eyes and tried to sit up. The pain in his body was too much. Blood dripped down his face and he shifted and realized he was leaning on the steering wheel. "Corbyn?" he groaned in a barely audible voice. 

There was no response. Zach hated not being able to move. "Corbyn." 

"Zach, it's me," a voice said. "Stay with me." 

Who was talking? Zach tried to look where the voice was coming from and a sharp pain ran down his spine. "Who's there?" he murmured. 

"It's me. Daniel. You're hurt really bad. Just stay still. Someone said the ambulance is on the way." 

"Dani," Zach moaned. 

"I'm right here Zach. What is it?" Daniel said gently. 

"Go check Corbyn. He won't respond," Zach said. 

Realizing he hadn't seen Corbyn, Daniel nodded. "I'll be back." he replied. 

Daniel walked around the car and froze in horror. Corbyn had been thrown through the windshield. Corbyn was laying over the hood of the car. Blood covered his whole body as well as some shards of glass. Daniel heard sirens in the background. He pulled out his phone. "Hey, Jack I can't talk long. Come to the hospital," he said and hung up. 

When they arrived at the hospital, Daniel ran into Jack and Jonah. "Hey guys." 

"Dude, what happened?" Jonah asked. 

"There was an accident. Drunk driver I guess. Zach has several broken bones and a concussion. Corbyn has a punctured lung and a broken arm. They'll be fine I hope," Daniel sighed. 

Hehehehe cliffhanger. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part. I'll do a part 2. I have so many part 2s to do honestly. Requests are closed for  bit until I finish the requests I've been given however, if you had a request that I somehow missed feel free to message me cause sometimes I miss things. Hope everyone is staying safe. Love you guys 💕

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