Zach Herron - Amnesia

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Jonah raced through the house with an excited look on his face. "Corbs, where's Zach?" he asked eagerly.

"He's talking to Eben upstairs. Where were you?" Corbyn replied.

"It's only for Zach to know." Jonah said.

Zach stood in his room sobbing. "Eben, I didn't mean to. I swear."

"Zach, you know how much I hate when people do that. Just get out of here!" Eben shouted.

"You get out. This is my room. You're just a visitor!" he screamed.

Eben shoved Zach out of the bedroom. "I said get out!" he screamed.

Zach backed away until he was close to the stairs and looked sadly at Eben. "I said I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." he muttered.

"I don't care." Eben snapped and shoved Zach backwards.

As soon as Eben had shoved Zach, he realized what he'd done he was in a horror. Zach had hit the floor at the bottom of the stairs with such a force that Eben was scared he had killed his friend.

Jack and Daniel stopped eating when they heard a loud crash followed by what sounded like the crunch of a bone. "I'm not the only one who heard that?" Jack asked.

Daniel shook his head. "I heard it too."

The boys got up and raced to the stairs nearly colliding with Jonah and Corbyn. The boys approached the stairs and everyone froze in horror. Zach was on the floor unconscious with a small pool of blood was forming under his head. Jack knelt beside Zach. "Wake up! Please!" he begged.

Jonah looked up at Eben. "What the hell did you do?" he asked in a panic.

"It was a fight. I pushed him. I didn't realize how close he was to the edge." Eben sobbed.

Daniel knelt beside Zach and Jack. "How could you? Even in a fight you can't push someone down the stairs."

"Yes, I would like to report an unconscious person. He was pushed down the stairs and he's bleeding." Corbyn said into the phone.

When they got to the hospital the boys were pacing the waiting room. Tears formed in Jack's eyes. "What if he doesn't make it? What if something goes wrong in the surgery?" he stammered.

"Jack, it's okay. Just take a deep breaths." Daniel assured his friend.

Jack began hyperventilating as the realization of what had happened finally sank in. "I can't breathe." he choked out.

Daniel took Jack's arm and led him outside. "Shhh, follow my heartbeat." he whispered, hugging the boy close to his chest.

Jack's breathing slowed as he managed to calm down. "What if he doesn't make it?"

"He'll make it. We can't afford to have negative thinking right now." Daniel whispered.

"Okay." Jack stammered.

Corbyn walked over with a smile. "Zach's fine. He'll spend the night here, then go home tomorrow morning."

The boys ran down the hall to where Zach was. "Hey babe. How do you feel?"

Zach looked up at Jack. "I'm sore. Who are you?"

Everyone looked at each other. Corbyn raised an eyebrow. "Zach, its us. Your boyfriend Jack. Then there's me, Daniel, and Jonah. I'm Corbyn."

"I don't know you." Zach muttered. "Who am I?"

A doctor walked in. "Boys, Zach has lost his memory because of the fall. We believe that he'll regain his memory at some point, but we want to help him regain it as quickly as possible. You boys can help with that when he gets home. Show him pictures of things you've done."

The next day the boys were leading Zach into the house. "So I'm Zach Herron, and I'm in a band?" he asked.

"Correct." Jonah replied.

"And I'm nineteen?" Zach asked eagerly.

"Yep." Corbyn replied.

That night as Jack went to the bathroom he heard sobs. He opened Zach's bedroom door and found Zach on the bed crying. Jack sat next to his boyfriend and stroked his dark hair. "Hey buddy. Are you okay?"

Zach shook his head. "Nothing will be okay. I don't remember you and you're my boyfriend. I don't know who I am."

Jack hugged Zach close. "I'm so sorry man. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you."

Zach began to cry harder. "I can't take this. I can't. What if it gets worse." he sobbed.

"All of us will be here for you." Jack whispered.

Eben walked in with his eyes lowered to the ground. "Zach?"

"Who are you?" Zach asked.

"I'm Eben. I'm the one who did this to you." Eben mumbled.

Zach raised his head off of Jack's shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "You did this? You're the reason I can't remember anything?" he asked.

Eben nodded sadly. "I'm so sorry Zachary." he said.

"So what exactly happened?" Zach asked.

"You had done something to annoy me and I got really mad. I pushed you and you happened to be on the edge of the stairs. You fell and when the other boys arrived you were unconscious and your head was bleeding." Eben explained.

"You did this to me?" Zach asked.

"I'm sorry." Eben mumbled.

"I hate you. Get out." Zach snapped as tears ran down his cheeks. "I can't believe this."

Several days passed, and nothing had changed. Zach couldn't remember what was going on or anything in his life. The boys were slowly losing hope that anything would get better. Zach had passed out many times throughout that amount of time which the doctors had said would be normal.

Corbyn stood in the pool pushing Daniel around on the pool matress. Daniel smiled up at Corbyn. "I really love these quiet days when we get days off of work. We can just hang out and be ourselves."

Corbyn smiled. "Yeah. It really makes me want to take advantage of these times."

"Guys! I remember!" Zach gasped sitting up in the lounge chair.

Jonah who was listening to music sat up. Beside him, Jack and Eben woke up from a small nap they were taking. Corbyn and Daniel raced out of the pool. "What did you say?" Daniel asked.

"I remember." Zach said.

"What's the name of our band?" Corbyn asked.

"Why Don't We." Zach replied.

"What's our newest song?" Jonah asked.

"What Am I." Zach replied.

"What is something embarrassing you said in an interview?" Jack asked.

"Zombly acopalypse." Zach replied.

The boys ran to Zach and hugged him. "You're okay. I'm so happy!" Jack cried.

Zach grinned. "I'm so glad that I can remember things again."

"We love you Zach." the boys said in unison.

Eben walked over to Zach. "Now that you remember things. I'm really sorry that I pushed you man. I wasn't thinking. I can't tell you how sorry I am."

Zach smiled and hugged Eben. "I'm sorry for whatever it is that happened. That's what I don't remember. I just know that I annoyed you in some way. I forgive you." he said.

Jonah grinned. "We're a band again guys. It's all going to be alright."

1164 words. That one was really a fun one to write. I really enjoyed that actually. I hope you enjoy reading it, if you want more like this please let me know. 💚💜

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